
Family shots

After reading on Hope’s site how she wished her whole family could have been together, I realized that I now complete two different families! Kind of a strange thing. So in honor of that new realization, I will post the family pictures that we took on Christmas day. The whole family in front of the […]

Christmas morning breakout!

Following a time honored tradition, Dad Cahill built a barricade in the hall late Christmas Eve. Originally started when the kids were young and would wander the house at all hours during that night, it has now become a cherished event and grows more complicated as the guys get older. 4:00 am finds Benj. knocking […]

Weekend Highlights

The family came up to check out our place this week! The majority of them arrived on Wed. and after getting them settled in, I took them on a tour of the neighborhood – including my favorite park! Aren’t we a great looking bunch of gals? The next day we toured the town, meeting Brian […]


Monday I went to the midwife and there discovered I had stepped into a brand new time of life – I now weigh more than I ever have in my life!  Brian weighed in too because we’re having a contest on how long it will take me to weigh as much as him. I’ve still […]


Currently Listening Pytor Illych Tchaikovsky: The Nutcracker – Complete Ballet By Valery Gergiev, Kirov Orchestra and Choir, Tchaikovsky see related

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