

                          The new toy!

Brian has spent a good deal of time looking up monitors, comparing prices and shopping for store returns. He wanted to get me a flat screen monitor so I can utilize my desk space better. Just yesterday we found a good deal and with the help of some gift cards and money given to us for Christmas, we came home with the above monitor.
  Brian set it all up but because it’s a wide screen and my laptop doesn’t have settings for that, everything looked stretched and distorted. Brian spent all evening messing with settings and downloading drivers but nothing was working. We half heartedly discussed a few options and went to bed discouraged.
  Weeping and sorrow may endure for the night….
Brian got up to study this morning, but the unfinished problem wouldn’t leave him alone. A little more looking around and he found what made it work! He got everything fixed and got me up to come and look at it!
   ….But joy comes in the morning.
I’ve been enjoying it all day as I go about my normal computer tasks. Everything looks so nice and neat now – cables and cords stowed away, a USB hub peeking out from under the screen, keyboard tray that slides out of view and the monitor tucked away in the corner. Plenty of room for scrapbooking, or sewing without having to move my whole computer work station!
  Brian is one great guy!


  Last night I had a midwife appointment – all is going well. Kelsey (my midwife) helped me identify the different parts of the baby that I can feel. She showed me where the head was and explained how she knew what it was!  Tadpole kept moving a lot and made it hard to take a heartbeat by running away from the doppler.
 We also had our first birthing class. It was so cute to see all the couples there – every mom with a big belly, sitting next to her attentive husband – the perfect date . Everyone was expecting their first except for one mom and the crowd was mostly young couples, but there were some older ones too. We went over nutrition, exercise and terminology this week. I think next week we hit the subject of labor and birth .
  I’m also doing a little bible study on my own on the word “travail” and how it’s used in the Bible. Not horribly encouraging Do you know how often God uses travail to describe judgment? A few interesting facts so far:
 1. It’s an appointed time – normal, expected and not lasting forever.
 2. It’s offset to the point of almost forgetting by the joy of what it brings
 3. It’s a labor of love done by someone who can for someone who can’t
 4. It’s used in comparison with the second coming – we don’t know the day or hour of when it will happen

In other news….I’ve started a baby quilt!


We joined a new church on Sunday!
  We’ve been visiting there for a while and we had the pastor and his family over for dinner one evening to ask some questions and get to know them. We’ve looked around, prayed and come to the decision that this is where God wants us. It’s so nice to have a family! I never realized what a great asset a church can be when you’re new to an area – we already have a list of people we would like to invite over.
 Praise God for fellowship!


Well, seeing as people weren’t much interested in regular news, I’ll put up some of the more sensational stuff:

Irving Enquirer
Pregnancy becomes apparent!

Here is a previously unreleased photo of Amy Cahill at a friends wedding. An obvious growth of the belly cannot be hidden in the styles of this day and age. Comment from the apparent mom-to-be is pending – confirmation of suspicions are eminent.

Family issues: Sister hides information on place of interview…
Brother leaves home….and more!
Just register your interest by leaving comments and all the family secrets will be revealed.

Old Year – New year

Brian and I had our own party on New Year’s Eve. We started out with the Jones tradition of having fondue for supper. Why do we have this tradition? I’ll tell you….I don’t know.

After a great dinner we cleaned up the dishes and cracked pecans for a while and just talked.

To end our evening we had ice cream, chocolate and a good game of Tennessee for Two – where Brian soundly beat Amy (maybe the ice cream distracted her). We then went to bed at a decent hour.

The next day we got up early and went for a run. I made a hearty breakfast – biscuits and gravy, then we looked up a few things on the internet and decided to hit the town while crowds and traffic was at a minimum.
Brian checked out a few computer stores while I hit WalMart to start a baby registry. Brian joined me and started looking at bikes (his finally bit the dust).
 Next stop: Babies R Us!
We got to take advantage of special parking and  try out the rocking chairs. It was really nice to see several of the bigger items in person so we could make better judgments on what we needed.
  Then, of course, came the fun of scanning things – so many choices, so few decisions.  It was also handy having Brian around to try on the baby backpacks – they sure have come a long way since the one my parents had! It’s amazing to see all the “stuff” you can get for your kid!
 The store offers some freebie classes every month and one sounded especially intriguing; a baby and Mommy exercise class. You use your baby as a weight while you exercise, singing nursery rhymes and stuff instead of workout music. It sounded really sweet and a good way to bond with your child while saving you money of getting a baby sitter while you go to the gym.

  Looking at all that stuff really worked up the appetite (at least Brian thought so ) so we found a FreeBirds and stopped for lunch. In getting there, we made a U-turn where we didn’t know we shouldn’t have, right in front of a Police man and got pulled over. God was gracious however and he only gave us a warning (Brian said it was probably because I was in the car with him ) Anyhow, lunch tasted a whole lot better when it didn’t cost over 100 dollars and we finished out the day with thankful hearts and tired bodies (Brian hasn’t done this much shopping in a long time ).

P.S. – You can check out our regisries here:
          Babies R Us

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