
Hey, y’all should check this out – pretty convicting!

God took all the stars in the universe and told them to get in order as
He directed until He told them differently and they obeyed Him and
continue to do so!

God lined up the planets and told them to spin at specific speeds and
circle the sun until He told them otherwise and they obeyed Him.

God told the mountains to be lifted up and they obeyed.

God told the valleys to be cast down and they obeyed.

God told the sea that it should not come past a certain point and it keeps inside of the boundaries He has set.

Then God turned to man and said “come”. And we said “No”.

 – Taken from a sermon by Paul Washer


Currently Listening
Tchaikovsky: 1812 Overture
see related


Last night, almost ten, just after we had settled down for the night:

Amy: Hey Brian, guess what?
Brian: What?
Amy: I really feel like eating some Macaroni and cheese right now.
Brian: Do we have any in the house?
Amy: No
Amy: Don’t worry, you don’t have to go get any, that’s just what I feel like right now.
Brian: Oh, good.


No word on the job yet (trying to be patient ) so I will entertain you with some random happenings:

Last night we had just dropped off into a peaceful sleep when Jimin y Cricket decided to wish upon a star – right next to the bed. I flipped on the light  and we spotted two of the little noisemakers – I chased one into the bathroom and could hear Brian jumping around our room after the other. I marveled at the energy displayed coming right out of a dead sleep.

Brian informed me this morning that he had killed two more.

At lunch, I felt kind of funny, which made the sandwich taste funny… and the salad. The Cheetos were great however!

I picked two watermelons from our garden!

I gave one to the police guys because they washed my car today. Being female on a male campus has its perks!


Well, a monsoon hit San Antonio yesterday to welcome us to the big city. I felt like Noah, only my ark wasn’t as big and I was afraid of drowning out the car as I drove the flooded streets. Only prayer and God’s grace kept things afloat and safe n the congested traffic. It took me over 45 min. to drive a little ten mile route (plus detours and going the wrong way once).
  Brian’s interview went well and he was pretty excited. They called about an hour or better after we left and want him to come back for another interview today. Not really sure what it all means. Anyhow, he will be trekking back to San Antonio today so if you could keep him in your prayers again – mostly that the rain wouldn’t be so bad!

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