
The last week of our break is upon us.  Much has been accomplished, and much growth has taken place. Though I am loath to leave my home I can go forth in the knowledge that whatever awaits me is necessary for the fulfilling of God’s plan, therefore I am content.

I hope to spend the remainder of my time here with:

Family (especially my nephew Connor)

Friends – planning the antics to take place when next we meet (right Mikaela?)

Soccer – Because Texas has great weather and Flint does not.

Blue Bell – Local ice cream with a taste as big as Texas, you can never have too much.


I was sitting inside trying to type up a speech but not getting very far – the weather was distracting me. Sunlight pouring in the windows, blue sky peeping around fluffy white clouds, all of nature beckoning me to come and rejoice in the day that the Lord had made. After all it was January and 75 degrees outside, (I love the Texas winter ) I couldn’t waste such good weather so I asked my little brother if he wanted to do anything outside so I would have an excuse to stop typing.

What an eye-opener of an afternoon. I found out just how much I usually followed my own way in direct opposition to what someone has said – thinking I know better. Timothy took me out to help him clear some trails on the paintball course he and my other brothers were working on. Having just been thinking about a woman’s role I thought I would just stand back and let him be the boss. (being 10 years old and the youngest boy, he normally is the one ordered around) So I asked him want he wanted me to work on and he gave me a trail to clear. Several times as we cleared that and a little clearing he would make a suggestion which would go against my line of thought and had it been any other time I would have disregarded him and done it my way. But each time I followed his lead, and each time after I had struggled inside myself and relinquished my “superior knowledge” he would add something to his instructions and I would see that if I had followed my ideas it would have been counter productive.

It was wonderful to see his confidence swell as he took on his role. I am always telling them to act the man, but I needed to step back and let them. Thank you Lord for showing me my place, thank you for opening my eyes to my rebellion and pride, and thank you for your grace that will teach me to submit.


Wow! I finally figured out how to get my pictures small enough to upload! I tell you, you can learn anything from a book.

I have a quick praise report. Dad called yesterday to ask why we haven’t recieved a bill for this next semester, only to find out that we actually have credit to our account due to the tuition changes and the indian scholarships recieved. The three of us had worked hard with dad and earned our next payment but God didn’t need our help. God provides what we need and then so much more, what a wonderful, loving heavenly Father!


Here I sit, trying to decide what to type about. Many things happen, and just as many things don’t; it all depends on which roads and paths I choose each day. This choice with the earrings has caused my dad and several of my friends to give a word of caution to me, that I don’t try and be someone who I’m not. The day after I got them pierced, dad asked me if this meant I wouldn’t go hang sheetrock for him any more, and I told him “of course I still would.” (After all, my job is to be a helpmeet to my father) Then another friend told me not to change and that she liked me just the way I was – that night I played soccer to my utmost. Then again this morning dad asked me if he was doing a bad thing by letting me try out the jack hammer at work the other day and by having us do such rough work there. Such a little thing, but it has effected my reputation – just like I thought it would. Oh well, I gave it to God, right?

But you know, I think that having so many interests, skills and exposure makes for a more interesting and flexible personality. This morning when dad made his comment about the jack hammer I was all dressed up nice, my air was curled and it looked like I had never touched dirt in my life, – my dad said that I looked so nice he was going to have to escort me to church   – no one would have guessed that just the morning before I had turned out more pushups than I care to state.

   God has brought so many different things together to make me who I am; tanning hides and cooking; delivering baby goats and caring for little children; running barefoot through the pastures and walking down the stairs with feminine grace; handling a skill saw and drill and learning what all those different forks are used for at a formal dinner. I think it’s good that I have done “nice” things and “rough” things –  God has done all this in preparation for I know not what. It gives me a sort of contentment and freedom from anxiety, I could be at home with a farmer or pastor, I could function in a city ministry or a third world country. I can look forward to whatever God has in store for me knowing that each step in His way has prepared me unto that end. Praise God that “who I am” is in Christ and not in what I do or don’t do.


The unbelievable has happened. The unbelievable for Amy Jones that is: I have a new identity.

Everything happened rather fast, less than a week really. The Lord first spoke to me just last Monday and on Saturday morning I obtained permission from my dad then followed through that afternoon. I am now someone else: I am a bond slave.

Now to explain myself, I pierced my ears. Now I know that doesn’t seem very drastic to some of you but ya’ll have only seen a small side of me there at Verity. This has been a move that I’ve always brushed away as something I didn’t care for and saw as a worthless trouble. Besides, it didn’t fit my image of myself.

During break I asked a woman from our church to disciple me in the area of prayer and one thing she had me do was read through a book on brokenness and then another on surrender. Through the later book I came to realize that I was still holding back from God. I had an image of myself, an image of toughness and masculinity, that I worked very hard to maintain and in rejecting God’s design I was living in rebellion to Him. When God first whispered to me the idea of piercing my ears my whole being resisted and thought, “oh I couldn’t do that, everyone would think I had gone girly!” I tried coming up with other ideas, like going out to the barn and literally driving an awl through my ear, but all of the ideas were Ishmaels compared to God’s Isaac. They would have been done my way, in my strength, and would have still upheld my “ideal.”

So the sum total of all of this is: I have surrendered to the Lord and the ears are my daily reminder that I am His bond slave, ready and willing to do what He asks. I must obey, because that is what is expected from a slave, I have no other choice. Behold Lord, Your handmaiden, be it unto me according as You will.

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