My little helpers.

We recently made a few changes and set up a schedule of sorts which has the kids helping me with chores instead of me trying to do them all. It started a bit slow at first, but after a week I had four little buddies at my side; not only through breakfast clean up and barn chores, but anything else I did after that!

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We spent several mornings in the garden. I cleared back the grass that was trying to take over while Eden watered the plants.

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Ivy and Flora love weaving through the tomato bushes in search of ripe tomatoes. Only one green one has been picked so far. Lance still has a fascination for seeds and has harvested some zinnia seeds that we replanted in our garden. Ivy also took the initiative to harvest our carrot crop.

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After watching the big kids “cheese” for a picture, Eden wanted one too. As you can see, gardening is sweaty, dirt work.

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One morning we washed the car together and then rewarded ourselves with a swim.

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Since everyone was wet and hungry they enjoyed a picnic in the garage.

The picnic was finished off with popsicles and then the garage floor needed to be washed down. This was quite the fun job in their estimation!

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Eden wants to help with the firewood. Maybe wait until winter, little 177

Lance and Ivy are getting big enough to be good helpers on projects with Daddy too. It’s so much fun to have them work along side…even if they eventually opt out and make mud pies instead.

Busy Bees

Did a small unit on bees one day this week. First we read Magic School Bus and the beehive. Quite full of information and it really sparked Lance’s mind.

Then we made bee balloons and danced to flight of the bumblebee.

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After all that exercise the bees rested while watching winnie the pooh on Youtube. Meanwhile I prepped for the next activity. Oh, it was also decided that Ivy was the Queen bee, Lance, as the boy, was a drone and little Flora was the worker bee.

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I made little cups into flowers filled with “nectar.” A bee would find it and come back to tell the others the good news.

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Lance finds one up high!

Flora does the wiggle dance.

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Lastly, in a stroke of genius, I had them collect “pollen” in little pouches, taking it all to the “hive” which happened to be the toy room. Unfortunately it only took one or two runs before they caught on that this was really cleaning up and not a “real” bee activity.  Oh well, not everyone can be Mary Poppins.


Not quite a week ago I had a chance to re-live some of the “best of times” and share new memories with my spirited adventurer, Ivy. I was invited to speak at STEP – a girl’s summer adventure camp I attended and staffed for 5 years.

We drove up as a family and spent the night so I could get up at 5:00am and guest lead a round of P.T. for the girls! Call me crazy, but it sure was fun to work out in the gym once again. I even managed to keep up with the girls despite being 12 weeks pregnant.

After a quick breakfast I lead a devotional using ice cream to illustrate points in all four chapters of Philippians, the book the girls study and memorize while at the camp.

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We joined the girls on the rappelling tower for the morning. After watching a while, Ivy decided she would like to give it a try. I got her geared up and over the edge before she realized just how scary things could be. However, she continued on bravely, just a few tears, and as we neared the ground she gained confidence.

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By the time her feet touched ground she had a huge smile on her face and felt very pleased with her accomplishment.

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Flora wanted to try too but we were afraid she was too small. So we set up on the 5 ft. obstacle course wall. Sure enough, she didn’t have enough weight to overcome the friction of the rope through her equipment, but Daddy fed the rope through and got her to the ground, bringing big smiles.

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Lance thought this endeavor looked safe enough and bravely went over the wall too. A future ALERT man in the making?

Brian and the kids left after lunch while Ivy stayed with me to continue the fun.

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We watched the advanced group build a stretcher to transport a “wounded hiker” as part of their wilderness survival training.

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Then we joined the girls at the lake for some swimming and canoeing. Ivy boated with me and began to learn paddling basics. Then she played pirate with the instructors, swamping canoes at the end of a race and swimming the boats to shore.

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Ivy loved her time here and all the attention from the girls. We also enjoyed getting to see Aunt Katie and watch her work.

I had opportunity to talk with several of the STEP girls, as well as some of the staff I knew from other years. That evening I gave a testimony on loving God with all our soul and how He has taught me to battle for control of my thoughts. It was a long, full, fun day and I’m so grateful for the opportunity.


Month in review

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Fixing the dishwasher with daddy.

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Goats to milk each morning.

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Chasing chickens.

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Monkey day with all the cousins!

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Deck work party.

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Front steps finished!!

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Mom, we need a bigger pool!!!

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Produce – radish crop gone wild!

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Swim time in the new pool!

Bible Times!

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We just finished reading through Exodus and thought you would enjoy seeing a few things we did along the 007

Making bricks out of mud.

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See how many!?

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Ivy plays task master with the whip.

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Gathering “manna” in the wilderness. (oyster crackers) They thought this great fun!

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Lance remembered that those who saved theirs to the next day got worms in it! Our fuzzy caterpillar pet played the part beautifully.

Then, as a celebration for finishing the book, we set up a tabernacle…of sorts.

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It had blue, purple, scarlet and “fine twined linen” along with badger skin and ram’s skin dyed red.

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Inside was the table with the Shew bread, candlesticks…

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…and the Ark of the Covenant with manna, Ten Commandments and Aaron’s rod.

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The priests were consecrated with “blood” on the right ear lobe, right thumb and right big toe.

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The laver with water for washing (a big hit with the babies)

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And the alter with a perfect lamb for a sacrifice.


A walk through with the children.

And just for extra – here is my final set of verses for Romans chapter 1. Just a video of the kittens and chickens as I quote God’s word. I’m so ready to switch focus from sin to redemption as I start on chapter 8!

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