A wall raising experience!

Many hands are needed for putting up walls, so we held a “barn raising” day. All the men related to the Jones side of the family came to help along with a few friends.

house 589

On the morning of the big day – Lance is ready to start work!

house 579

Flora is delighted with the color of the studs – pink!!


house 709

The plans are consulted and Michael marks where each board goes.

house 665

X marks the spot! For a stud that is. C K shows the edge of a window, calling for a special configuration of boards called a cripple and king stud.

house 647

I was taught how to put these together along with corners and “T” posts.

house 654

Lori grabs a ready made “T” out of the stack.

house 663

The studs were laid out where called for…

house 732

…and the top plate was nailed on.


Then it’s all hands on deck to raise the wall.


Up, up and away!

house 683

Then we all hold it steady until the wall and supports are nailed in place. This process was then repeated for the rest of the day.

Other aspects of the job:

 house 725


house 712

Crowd control.

house 715


house 716

Cooler breaks.

house 730

More consulting.

house 746

Dirt work.

house 741 

By the end of the day, our house was really taking shape!


On this episode of DIY house building, we will discuss flooring!

 house 440

First the beams are built. 2×8 boards are placed on end along the piers.

house 546

Another 2×8 is placed alongside and bolts are inserted into pre-drilled holes by our expert craftsmen.

house 547

Each bolt is tapped securely inside the hole…

house 551

…and the nut is tightened.

    house 539

On top of those beams, floor joists are centered every 16 inches.

house 562

Next up is the decking. To prevent squeaking, extra care was put into this process too.

house 569

Liquid nails was applied to each joist….

house 631

then a sheet of decking was carefully laid and tapped snug against its neighbor…

house 567  

…and about 20 screws were used to secure and tighten it down.

  house 662

Brian went on the hunt for places that were missed, managed to find one squeak and put in a few more screws for good measure.

house 593 

Hooray! The floor is done!!

house 597

What a great surface for riding toys! Let the fun begin!!

house 602

Just posing

house 622   

People of all sizes enjoy the new floor!

house 446

Meanwhile Eden is practicing so she can sweep it when we move in!

Putting in the piers

A good foundation is paramount when building a house – if things are a bit off here, it effects the whole structure. The foundation for our house is going to be “pier and beam”.

First come the piers:

house 414

Concrete pads are set in the ground at intervals and leveled. This is back breaking work as each pad weighs 50 lbs. and must be put down and pulled up several times until you have the dirt just right underneath.  After the pad is set, blocks are stacked on top – all to the same height or it has to be done again. I set three myself and my shoulders and back were sore the next day.

house 375

I can only imagine what my dad and brothers felt like!

After everything was stacked and leveled and checked several times, it was time to fill the holes with cement. This landed on a Saturday so it was a whole family work day!

house 389

Nothing like parents making mudpies to catch a child’s interest! Ivy helped with the mixing…

house 383

…and Lance with the scooping and filling.

house 411

Even Eden got in on things, helping me cut the rebar for each hole.

house 407      

Katie supervised and I held up a shovel.

house 422

It all looked like so much fun that my mom had to try it out too!

Now that the piers are set – next step is the beams!

Not your typical job site

  The main reason we’re building this house is so we will have room for all these kids that have appeared over the years. It stands to reason that, if you are building a house for kids, you might expect to see a few around…

house 436

They show up in droves – usually after breakfast. house 005

They are good at digging…

house 177

…and a whole group of them can accomplish a lot in a short amount of time.

house 122

Some just supervise quietly

house 249

While others require constant supervision.

house 175

The rest need a total containment system.

Hitch hiking seems to be second nature:

house 072

house 236

house 227

house 226

Or maybe this is just the best way to make sure no one gets run over.

house 424

They distract the workers

house 426

and get all the credit for work done.

house 400

They are also good at finding artifacts.

house 386

In their world, everything is fun – Daddy is making mud pies? Can we help?

And with every outdoor project, there has to be a grub worm:

house 030 

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house 222   

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house 371

Good thing we have some water nearby!

A new phase of life

Look at this!

house 009

What is this, you might ask? Well, it’s the site of our long awaited house. May not look much like a house now, but we’ve a few experts on the job that should have it up and livable in no time! Let me introduce the crew:

house 002

First up is Flora the water bearer, bringer (and eater) of all good things.

house 018

Ivy, the ever-ready. Always in the thick of things, Ivy makes sure anything remotely fun is well attended. Currently she logs almost as many hours on the backhoe as her daddy.

house 011

Lance the naturalist. His job is to make sure the fire doesn’t get too big, the mushrooms are not run over by the big equipment and that all the little tress are transplanted with care.

house 080

Oh yes, the crew also includes one hard working young man, eager to settle his family.

house 081

And the crew chief, a wise man full of experience who is more than ready to help anyone out – esp. if they are living in his house 🙂

house 088

After knocking down trees (and replanting some). The next step is to put in the septic system. All weekend we grubbed in the dirt and had a glorious time –

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at least some of the crew did.

house 095

Trenches were dug,

house 098

and leveled.

house 125

pipes were put in, piece by piece

house 112

And the ground crew filled it back in with dirt

house 101

Until all was up to par and ready for the inspector!

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