Learning and Growing

While much of life around here is learning, most of it is not done in a structured “unit study” fashion.


Brian and I are learning how to parent three toddlers. Keeping all 3 busy at once is no small feat but Brian is a whiz at making fun happen.


We are learning how important it is to have purposeful training times (like using pancakes to learn about Adam and Eve) as well as having “margin” in our lives which allows us to handle situations as they arise with (mostly) less stress.


This is “blanket time” where each kid quietly plays on their own blanket. Lance and Ivy are old hands at this but they happily participate as Flora learns. This comes in handy when we need to nap the kids in a new place and is preparing Flora for sitting quietly in church with us. I’ve always been surprised at how fast the kids catch on to the concept. I then begin to increase the amount of time spent on the blanket – we’re at just over 20 min right now.


The kids are learning how to interact with each other and follow our instruction. A happy moment of playing together – a giraffe, polar bear and frog.


We’ve had a few issues between siblings and while I was pondering how to cut down on selfishness, I ran across an article suggesting that the kids serve one another as a way to learn to love one another. If someone is being mean, they have to do something nice for the offended. Usually it means reading them a book.


I also have them set each others plate on the table, or take over each other’s dishes. Most of this is parent directed at this point, but yesterday I got a glimpse of their heart taking over: Ivy was sad so I suggested to Lance that he might offer her the chance to ride in the preferred stroller as we took a family walk. He did this willingly and happily, which is huge for him. Ivy later reciprocated on her own by offering him a choice of car seats (there being a favorite one of those as well).


Obviously, angels don’t happen over night, or even over years. Sometimes, it serves to reveal a lack of the angelic in the heart of the parent. When I found this mess – all MY stuff wasted – I was very angry and when it came time to make up with the guilty child I confess feeling very unforgiving. This allowed me a chance to see how great is God’s forgiveness when I sin against Him and ask for pardon, not fully realizing what I have cost Him, and He freely forgives – every time!


I love the moments where I can watch my kids just be kids. While we work to train social inhibitions into them (don’t throw food on the floor, say please and thank you, wear your clothes facing the right way, etc) It’s also fun to see what pours from their hearts in the uninhibited moments.


And like Flora, who rejoices over finding all the “treasures” the older kids left out, I rejoice to see my children growing and learning to walk in obedience to us and to God – each bit of progress a ‘treasure’ to delight in and bring to God in thanks!



Ivy’s hair is finally long enough for some really cute pigtails! She loves having them put in. Lance likes to comb his own into what he calls “big hair.”


Flora does her own styling with yogurt.

Unit study: Penguins

Due to the cooler weather we had one week, I thought it would be fun to study penguins.


Sliding on our tummies like a penguin!


Puddle stomping on a cool rainy day (penguins would do that, right?)


Playing in the ‘ocean’ (color tablets for the tub) with penguins I cut out of a plastic yogurt lid and colored with a sharpie. The ‘snow’ is shaving cream. This was a very popular activity – here you can see a seal about to eat the penguin. It’s a dangerous world out there!

Speaking of seals and danger….

The kids were supposed to slide off the ‘iceberg’ (couch) and collect paper fish to feed to the ‘baby penguin’ (a cup). We had played one round when I decided to add another element. I searched Youtube for a clip of a seal chasing a penguin, we watched it and then daddy walked through the door, earning the privilege of playing the ‘seal’. I think Ivy imitated the sound of a penguin in distress quite well. Lance, on the other hand, refused to budge off the couch until I got another empty cup to be his baby. The fact that his baby had nothing moved him to compassion just enough to make a quick dive, narrowly escaping with his life.

I never knew school could be so harrowing.

We later visited the zoo. The penguin exhibit brought many smiles and much discussion about all we had learned. What fun to watch little minds grow!

They love winter, snow and ice…

A recent unit study has been on cold weather activities. This required some imagination because January has mostly provided balmy weather. However, we read a few snow books and the kids seem to understand. So here’s our take on an indoor winter:


Snowman: Several boxes, a sheet and pillow. We also watched “The Snowman” on YouTube.


Snow science: I ground ice in the blender and let them use their senses to make observations. Funny, Lance and Ivy’s observation sheets were exactly opposite – if one thought it was cold and small, the other thought hot and big. After filling out our sheets, we poured on some chocolate syrup and had snow ice cream, followed by hot chocolate.


Ice skating: slippery shoes on Flora, wax paper on the bigger kids.


Snowflakes: I helped the kids cut out one or two then had a great time myself, decorating wall space.


Snowball fight: Mini marshmallows were thrown and then eaten.


And best of all – sledding!


We used the kid’s crib size mattresses, a recliner and some pillows to make the slope.


The hats and gloves were just for effect and quickly came off.

A few of the best clips.

Pooh Party!

I’ll bet you didn’t know that Jan. 18th was Whinnie the Pooh day. Well, neither did I until I saw it in some mom magazine and decided that was as good an excuse as any to throw a little party. So I googled some ideas, sent an evite and checked out some books from the library.


This is most of the attendees (minus one or two that didn’t care to pose). We jumped on the mini trampoline like Tigger, looked at the books and played pin the tail on Eeyore.


Guests were supposed to wear Pooh clothing. Here we have a Piglet and Eeyore – with or without ears….


We made paper bag puppets – thanks to the watchfulness of another mom, my apartment was spared any damage that could have occurred from 10 preschoolers let loose with markers.

For lunch the kids enjoyed peanut butter and honey sandwiches with blue “Eeyore” juice. Praise God it was a beautiful day and the kids could picnic on the back porch.


After lunch came cupcakes decorated to look like bees.


Aren’t they cute!?


What a fun party! After everyone left, my kids enjoyed a few Pooh episodes on Youtube while I cleaned the house.

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