Here’s a rundown on a few weeks of activities we did on Bible stories.
Daniel and the Lion’s Den:
Made crowns and played “King Darius says” to be like a king issuing decrees for other to follow. We started a chore chart because it was like the laws that a king could make.
Scary lion masks! We built a lion’s den out of the card table and blankets. Lance enjoyed throwing people in the lion’s den. We also learned to pray to God, just like Daniel.
Used chore charts started the previous week to let the kids earn money. Every night Brian would check their charts and hand out pennies – very exciting times!
Made banks out of peanut butter jars – decorated them with stickers which were peeled back off within 24 hrs. Lance was good at finding money in parking lots and parks to add to his bank. Somehow Ivy lost about half of hers from too much “counting.”
Later I took them to a party store to make a small purchase (piece of candy) to introduce the idea that money can be exchanged for something. The cashier was very nice, helped them count out the pennies, and rang up the 7 cent purchases, each getting their own receipt.
Worked on making the letter “Z” by making a route to trace. We start with Zaccheus at the top who went to the tree, then Jesus came along, and lastly they traveled to Zaccheus’ house.
And of course, we had to climb tress! We started with some small ones near our apartment.
Lance really enjoyed this activity and has continued ever since then. Another evening we went to a park with lots of good climbing trees and practiced some more. Fun stuff!
David and Goliath:
Collected five smooth stones out of the wading pool – this turned into an unplanned swim. Tried making slings but that didn’t work so well. Also reviewed opposites like “big and little.” After this, Lance would stand up in the recliner and say “Lance is tall!” then climb down and say “Lance is little” then lay down on the floor and say “Lance is little and little.”
Came up with this one all on my own! Wanted to make sheep (David was a shepherd) but didn’t have cotton balls. Finally thought of rice as something white they could glue and while in the kitchen decided to do different foods that were white. The kids LOVED this project.
Here we have oatmeal, grits, rice, flour, sugar, and the favorite, marshmallows! I let them eat the marshmallows off the craft the next day. Since it was hanging on the fridge it was hard to keep them from picking them off anyhow.
Had some friends over (all boys) so on the spur of the moment I made a Goliath out of blocks that we could knock down with our “rocks.” (soft balls)
We also made a 9ft drawing of goliath. Good thing we have a tall ceiling!
Then challenged the boys to hit Goliath in the head!
Thanks to my mom for most of these great ideas!