Bible Time

Here’s a rundown on a few weeks of activities we did on Bible stories.

Daniel and the Lion’s Den:


Made crowns and played “King Darius says” to be like a king issuing decrees for other to follow. We started a chore chart because it was like the laws that a king could make.


Scary lion masks! We built a lion’s den out of the card table and blankets. Lance enjoyed throwing people in the lion’s den. We also learned to pray to God, just like Daniel.



Used chore charts started the previous week to let the kids earn money. Every night Brian would check their charts and hand out pennies – very exciting times!


Made banks out of peanut butter jars – decorated them with stickers which were peeled back off within 24 hrs. Lance was good at finding money in parking lots and parks to add to his bank. Somehow Ivy lost about half of hers from too much “counting.”

Later I took them to a party store to make a small purchase (piece of candy) to introduce the idea that money can be exchanged for something. The cashier was very nice, helped them count out the pennies, and rang up the 7 cent purchases, each getting their own receipt.


Worked on making the letter “Z” by making a route to trace. We start with Zaccheus at the top who went to the tree, then Jesus came along, and lastly they traveled to Zaccheus’ house.


And of course, we had to climb tress! We started with some small ones near our apartment.


Lance really enjoyed this activity and has continued ever since then. Another evening we went to a park with lots of good climbing trees and practiced some more. Fun stuff!

David and Goliath:

Collected five smooth stones out of the wading pool – this turned into an unplanned swim. Tried making slings but that didn’t work so well. Also reviewed opposites like “big and little.” After this, Lance would stand up in the recliner and say “Lance is tall!” then climb down and say “Lance is little” then lay down on the floor and say “Lance is little and little.”


Came up with this one all on my own! Wanted to make sheep (David was a shepherd) but didn’t have cotton balls. Finally thought of rice as something white they could glue and while in the kitchen decided to do different foods that were white. The kids LOVED this project.


Here we have oatmeal, grits, rice, flour, sugar, and the favorite, marshmallows! I let them eat the marshmallows off the craft the next day. Since it was hanging on the fridge it was hard to keep them from picking them off anyhow.

Had some friends over (all boys) so on the spur of the moment I made a Goliath out of blocks that we could knock down with our “rocks.” (soft balls)


We also made a 9ft drawing of goliath. Good thing we have a tall ceiling!

Then challenged the boys to hit Goliath in the head!

Thanks to my mom for most of these great ideas!

Kid update


Lance: Imaginative, contagious laugh, loves to wrestle, striving to be a part of the big people world. Can sing whole songs, quote movies (Bambi is his favorite!), string events (i.e. we eat, take bath, go to sleep, wake up and go _____ ), thinks he can tell time, can count to three or five depending on the day, dress himself (usually everything backwards) and loves to snuggle with mommy.


Lance has taken to carrying around two toy dogs (both named Tank) and can do just about anything and hold them at the same time.


Here Lance is nursing his Tanks, properly covered of course.

Lance is very excited about the “baby in Mommy’s tummy” and has offered several theories about how this could have happened. He loves seeing the picture in my email update each week and knows that the baby has to “grow bigger and bigger” before it can “pop out.”


He wakes up most nights needing to go potty (which is better than wetting the bed!). Recently he stared waking up early if a light comes on, more than excited to sip hot drinks on the couch with Mommy. If it’s really cold he’ll snuggle under a blanket or pull on any hat he can find.


His imagination takes pieces of life and applys them to play in all sorts of fun ways. Today he built this house out of “bricks” and was more than pleased when I couldn’t blow it down.


Ivy: Cheerful, uninhibited, full of life and curiosity. She can’t run without skipping, loves to “cheese” for the camera, enjoys the games Lance makes up and can open the front door by herself. She’s potty trained except at night, has outgrown her brother and tries to take her shoes off everywhere we go. 


Life is a game in which to play. Any new object entering her world is thoroughly examined and tested for the amount of entertainment it can provide. This cage gave mommy an entire morning off while the kids enjoyed its potential.


A true middle child, she plays well with Lance yet also reaches out and loves on baby Flora. Here they play on a contraption that Lance built, informing me it was a hayride. They wanted me to ride and we stopped at McDonalds and three grocery stores – getting ice cream at each place!


She’s rarely still except at night and when reading books. She and Lance will look at books for hours and anyone who will read to them is an instant friend!


Never a dull moment when she’s awake. In one week she squeezed out glue on the couch, shampoo into a toilet, and suntan lotion on the porch. She has also spread toothpaste everywhere on three occasions, experimented with what makes an appropriate toilet and drooled an Easter egg dye tablet over her fresh new outfit and the carpet.

Ivy provided opportunity for me to teach the kids about prayer when she stuck an air soft pellet up her nose. We rejoiced together over answered prayer when it came out after much effort.


And finally Flora! Not one to be left behind, Flora watches and imitates her siblings, trying to follow them everywhere. Once I took the older kids out to check the mail, leaving her in the house with Daddy. On returning I was informed that she burst into tears when the door shut behind us.

Compared to Ivy, who talks in paragraphs, Flora is totally non-verbal. At almost a year old she communicates her desires by pointing and soft grunts, delights with little cackles and injustices with tattling cries.


She makes up for her reticence with mobility. We call her our roving toy distributer, often carrying an object in her mouth. She’s also a bit of a Momma’s girl.


Flora’s a good eater. Around 10 months she refused to eat anything offered her by spoon so Brian tossed a green bean on her tray which she promptly ate by herself. Since then we just put things in front of her and let her deal with it. Her chair is next to Ivy’s (both strategically placed on a protective plastic mat) and has benefitted from Ivy’s generosity when Mommy isn’t looking – including an oreo cookie!


Keeping these three constructively busy takes most of my time but we have fun, laugh lots and enjoy the memories we make along the way.

Movie night 2

When I don’t have time to post as much, events start piling up. So here are a few fun movies to catch up on the kids.


This is from about a month ago. Flora was still learning to walk and loved pushing things around. Lance has his own ideas of fun….

Here’s a new game we made up for cold, rainy days.

Flora has gained a wide range of mobility and has found playgrounds to be much more entertaining now.

With this little trick, Flora moves into the ranks of ‘big kid’!

Pumpkin patch

What do you do at a pumpkin patch? Take pictures of course!


At least, that’s what was on MY agenda. Apparently the kids had other ideas of fun. This picture I snapped early on was far and away the best expression I got out of all three of them. I should have quit while I was ahead and just let them play.


This was the second best – and not for a lack of effort on my part.


A pumpkin patch is a place to have fun, and the sooner a parent realizes this fact, the better!


I mean really, who wants to sit around and pose all day?


Especially when Mom will pull you around in a wagon!


If you make enough faces, Mom might just give up and let you go on the hayride again.


Or take you to see the horses and the big turtle.


However, even though the shots of all three kids met with middling success, I did manage to catch some stunning individual shots. Which was enough to make me happy.


Flora knocking the pumpkins off one by one.











Bunk Bed

This weekend we decided to tackle a carpentry project – building a new bed for the kids. To economize on space we wanted a bunk bed but the kids are so small, the normal twin size bed seemed like overkill. However, a bunk the size of a toddler bed is hard to come by, so we decided to build one.


Friday night we laid out plans and discussed how we would put it together. Flora checked the numbers and volunteered to oversee the project.


We spent half the day at a lumber yard, finding the right hardware and re figuring our measurements. Instead of screws, we settled on machine screws and embedded crown bolts so it could all come apart for moving.


We made it home in time to eat lunch and start the project. Lance was super excited about his new bed and eagerly offered his skills.


Instead, everyone was sidelined while Daddy cut boards. The kids were quite useful sorting tools, running a chalk line (everywhere) and “counting” the supplies.


Brian carefully planned each new step, figuring things out as we went along. He’s the kind of guy that measures five times and cuts once.  


The result was a perfect fit! We finished just in time for the kids to go to bed – though that in itself took a while due to the excitement over their new sleeping arrangement.

Several notes for the curious: Lance has the bottom because he gets up at night to go to the bathroom.

It cost under $100 for the materials, and would be even cheaper if you just used wood screws.

It took us all day, but if you had the plans and a supply list (we had to make two trips back to the store) it probably wouldn’t take more than 4-5 hours to assemble, maybe less depending on your experience and the caliber of your help.

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