Pirate Camp!

Ahoy Matey! We’re about to set sail for adventure, wanna come along? A word of warning, this will be no pleasure voyage, but if ye weather through, ye might be finding some treasure at the end!

Still want to sign on? Har! Come aboard then.


Get rid of those land lubberly clothes and deck yourself out in the rags of a pirate! (Brian and I rigged these up the night before “camp” started)


Didn’t expect to find yourself swabbing the deck? Har, har, har. Here be the rules: (swabbing the playground – a very popular activity)


Double time it or you’ll feel the ropes end! (swabbing a fence)


You better prove yourself seaworthy… (making milk carton boats)


…or you might find yourself walking the plank! (jumping off into the swimming pool)


Eat yer grub, even if it’s lookin’ at ye. (the moms were so creative with the snacks!)


Tha cook spent a long time makin’ it for you scurvy dogs. (blue jello with gummy fish)


Ahoy thar! An enemy ship! All hands on deck! (we had water balloons almost every day!)IMG_6328

Load the cannon! Give ‘em back whatever they dish out.


Battle is over, better hoist our colors. (making flags)


What’s this? A clue, eh? (treasure hunts)


Into the swag you dogs, no holding back. (Searching for pennies in a “swamp”)


Dig, DIG, me hearties! “X” marks the spot. Tis treasure we’ll be finding! (we buried and dug up treasure several times)


A chest with a curse – dare we open? (this treasure hunt yielded golden “doubloons”)


Black beard’s treasure! (necklaces, coins and painted rocks!)


What’s this? More treasure? (Digging in the ball pool for suckers)


Ah, a pirates life for me! (cute little costumes made by one of the moms)

End note: 6 moms and their kiddos (14 pre-schoolers and baby Flora) got together to make this camp happen. We each planned and hosted one day at our house or a park. The kids had bunches of fun, learned new stuff and we moms had fun doing it.

Movie night!

Had several home videos I thought it would be fun to share, so grab some pizza, pull up a chair and enjoy!

Pirate lingo learned this week.

Lance tries to encourage a less than cooperative baby Flora to eat.

Flora goes for the toys! Today she was in the play room and we all moved to the living room. I heard her call out in protest and then scoot/crawl all the way down the hall to join us.

Brian helping Ivy swim. I didn’t have the camera the night she swam by herself. It sure is fun to watch them develop new skills.

Scary Dinosaurs!!!


An Easter Egg kit in the sale bin inspired the theme for last week. IMG_6207

We joined with some friends and made dinosaur eggs!


That night we ate them along with dino shaped pancakes (hey, pancakes were a hit last time, thought we should try it again!)


One day we watched a dinosaur movie. Trouble was, it was so interesting that I ended up watching it instead of getting stuff done while the kids were occupied.


Our big event was going to the zoo where they had a traveling dinosaur exhibit. We took some friends with us and had a good time despite the 100 degree weather.


We watched a live “dinosaur” swim at the reptile house.


Lance loved seeing all the “real” dinosaurs! How exciting!!


Ivy on the other hand, wasn’t so sure. She refused to look at the T-Rex and some of the others only got a side long glance.


By the very end she worked up enough courage to pose with one.

Our final activity was making “dinosaur feet” out of paper lunch sacks. These were a big hit. Too bad I did it so close to bed time.


Coming this week: Pirate Camp!!!

Whale week!

Unpacking after a trip to my Mom’s I found the kids had smuggled a few books into their suitcase. One of these became the inspiration for the activities for this week – Whales!

We also used this as an opportunity to read Jonah and the whale – their all time favorite Bible story.


Monday we colored a picture of a whale (and Jonah) with crayon then painted blue water over it (the idea was that it wouldn’t stick to the crayon). Some people have asked where I get my ideas – this one came from a toddler Bible curriculum my mom just gave me.


The next day we made a whale out of a milk jug. This came from some random site I found on the internet as I looked up toy whales. Lance fell in love with the whale right away and stuffed everything in it’s mouth.


Wednesday we watched videos of whales spouting on YouTube so the kids would have an idea of what I was talking about. Lance loved saying “thar she blows!” Afterward we went swimming and practiced “spouting” (or blowing bubbles).


We also watched a few clips of dolphin shows so Ivy is making the dolphin jump “really high!’”


Thursday we hit the pool again (hey, it’s summer!) and re-enacted the story of Jonah. (We were going to do it the day before but I forgot the whale and didn’t feel like hauling everyone back upstairs to get it). The kids told Jonah to “go to the Nibabah” but Jonah disobeyed and took a boat. Ivy makes a big storm which gets Jonah thrown overboard.


Lance quickly scoops up Jonah (a little wooden man).  Inside the whale Lance says that “he prayed to God.”


This prayer results in Jonah being spit out on land (Lance impersonates the whale). Set free, Jonah goes to Nineveh and Ivy knows that he tells the people to “stop being bad!” Lance finishes the story with, “he obeyed God.”


And for the last day, we made whale shaped pancakes – or at least two turned out with decent shape (Lance thought the other one looked like a rabbit). I also made a Jonah.


The kids were so delighted with the pancakes that they ate them without any syrup! They ate Jonah first, I think they believed themselves to be whales.

Coming up next: Dinosaurs!! (scary!)

Camp Grammy – Reviewed

Monday morning dawned warm and pleasant as a young mother in “big city” Texas loaded her sleepy young children into the car. Suitcases had been packed and stowed the night before in anticipation of the trip.  Tousled blonde heads leaned against the car seats and tried to figure out the change in routine – why were they up and where were they going? Little did they know what fun was in store for them!


Camp Grammy** is located on a peaceful, 7 acre country estate, owned and operated by energetic and loving grandparents. Each year “Grammy” likes to bless her children by investing in the next generation. “I just want to instill a love of learning and let the kids know they are dear to me” says Grammy*.


This year’s theme was “Bugs.” Observing and collecting specimens was aided by the help of several counselors and the abundance of natural habitat surrounding the main lodge. This young camper took his project seriously, turning over rocks and wood to find each prize.


All children love pets and Camp Grammy is ready to accommodate! Several turtles, a frog, a snake, baby goats, chickens, a rabbit and  kittens awaited the arrival of the campers.


Lance, a first timer, bonded quickly with a turtle, toting it everywhere. He took it swimming with him, drove it around in the coop car, and raced it across the porch. Lance’s comment on his new friend was “that Lance’s turtle – Ivy don’t take away.”


Connor, a veteran camper, enjoyed finding and catching frogs. He was so adept at this skill that no less than 3 frogs were caught! Two were generously sent home with some visiting kids. Connor’s remark was that “they didn’t have any pets” so he thought this would help their poor lonely hearts and encourage their mother.IMG_7729

Ivy enjoyed the kittens so much that they took up residence under the porch and out of reach. She also decided that with love came responsibility…


…so she and her brother thoughtfully cleaned the litter box and changed the water at the same time.


It’s not camp without some good cooking! Flora and Jenny were thrilled to have started solids in time for their attendance. Summer time treats included garden squash and watermelon rinds!

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Other fun snacks included “ants on a log”, peanut butter bees (Lance’s favorite) and marshmallow bugs. Who needs mealtime with treats like these!


Art class was a hit with one young camper. From drawing to painting, Ivy made sure there was no shortage of artwork.


Her masterpieces adorned the refrigerator, the white board, several walls and a door. The only question left on her abilities was “what will she draw on next!”


Of course, with this many cousins in one place, any type of bed time is slow in happening. To help burn off extra excitement counselors tried hard to keep them moving until they dropped into bed. Bug exercises had them hopping, crawling and hiding under rugs.


Swimming and water sports were an everyday activity. Whether in the camps stock tank, a local spray park or a friend’s pool, campers were able to have fun and stay cool!


From learning….


…to love, Camp Grammy has it all.


A grateful mother sums it up; “it (the camp) was inspirational and relational at the same time. I admire the devotion and creativity exemplified by the director and staff. My children will never be the same. Thank you, thank you Camp Grammy!”



* All quotes are based on knowledge of the individual and are totally made up by the author.

** Camp Grammy is a family owned, non-profit, all exclusive organization. Registration requires relation – some exceptions applied. For more information call 1-800-camp-grammy

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