If you need a smile today….
Happy Birthday!
My little man Lance turned 3 last Sunday! Due to the way things went the last few weeks he actually had several celebrations. The first was with Brian’s family while we were on vacation with them (pictures of that later).
The Saturday before his birthday my sister, Lori, and her husband were visiting. We all went to Putt Putt golf, which was quite an adventure for the little ones!
The kids pose at the beginning of the course (along with cousin Jenny).
Lance starts out well…
But decides the go-carts are much more interesting.
Ivy decides being an obstacle is much easier and gets a lot more attention.
Once the thrill of golf wore off (about hole 5) the kids entertained themselves with the animals.
Ivy enjoyed most of them…except the “scary” alligator.
Part of the special deal for that day included tokens. Uncle Dude helps Lance use some of his.
These suckers cost very few tickets and made for very happy kids!
And then today, just so I could feel that Lance was properly celebrated (that and I really wanted to make him a cake) we met with some friends at the park. We enjoyed Lance’s big smile and excitement over having a train cake and getting happy birthday sung to him.
This is a circus train – with animal crackers in the boxcars.
Hooray for friends and a good day at the park! Thanks to all who made Lance feel special.
Fun times
Here’s a random assortment of things we’ve done recently:
Made a “robot” with LOTS of buttons (stickers).
Attended a “pull-ups” party – my kids weren’t exactly sure about wearing a diaper but went along with things…
Especially when ice cream is involved!
We went to visit Grammy over a weekend and got to meet the newest cousin – baby Parker (green, in the middle).
It was windy so we decided to fly kites in the setting sun.
Picturesque, but the wind died shortly after we got there.
After a first good launch, Connor never could get his kite back up – though it wasn’t from a lack of trying!
The next day we helped plant Grammy’s garden.
Ivy digs dirt.
Planting corn.
Then we helped with the flower beds. Aunt Lori discovers “roly-polys” under a rock!
Lance loved them, Ivy wouldn’t hold them.
We love playing at Grammy’s house!
Baby Flora
Life with baby Flora is a continual delight. She is a content, happy little baby, full of cuteness and smiles. Her beautiful eyes light up and a happy toothless grin breaks out whenever anyone gives her some attention.
If no one is around at the moment she will happily explore the world around her. Her newest trick has been turning on her side and enjoying whatever toy her siblings left next to her.
Being a “floor baby” has its dangers when two toddlers are on the loose. However, Lance and Ivy love their little sister and are always asking to “hold a baby ‘plora’”
Lance is a very good baby sitter and likes to do stuff with his little sister, like reading books and singing.
We also play games together, Ivy’s favorite being “ring around the rosie” where they will hold Flora’s hands while I help her go around and fall down. Yesterday I was giving horse rides and Lance volunteered to give baby Flora a ride. It looked like so much fun that Ivy quickly followed suit.
It’s so encouraging to see your children become best friends.
Behold, how good and how pleasant it is when brethren dwell together in unity!
Zoo Adventures!
Last week we had some nice weather on the Ft. Worth Zoo half price day so on a whim I decided to take the kids.
This little guy is advertising some dinosaur exhibit coming in April. He also jinxed our whole trip. He moved a little and made a dinosaur noise. He made Lance nervous and Ivy terrified (she wouldn’t even look at it) and then the kids were scared of half the exhibits afterwards! Of course, that may have been my fault because we went to the reptile house first. It’s also Daddy’s fault because of the “scary alligator” episode at the Rain Forest Cafe. Neither kid would go near the alligator at the zoo.
Here is Lance nervously sitting on the turtle statue for a picture. I kept telling him it wasn’t real but I don’t think I ever convinced him. If that thing had moved……
He eventually warmed up to the turtle exhibit (after all, they are extremely interesting animals) and enjoyed chasing them up and down the glass tank. Ivy liked the fish.
This guy was a little scary too but he was still enough not to cause alarm – especially after we had already braved the snakes. Did I mention Ivy mostly stayed in the stroller?
Flamingos were less scary and very noisy – Lance started enjoying himself.
This was a very cool train “exhibit” that elicited more interest out of the two of them than any of the other animals did.
Ivy had regained her composure by the time we made it to the penguins and both kids enjoyed seeing them up close.
Elephants, giraffes and the frisky monkeys were also great fun. So we ended the trip on a happy note though the next day Ivy came to me in the kitchen saying “scary,” I asked her “scary what?” She seriously replied “scary alligator.”
Lastly here are a few animal pictures that I liked.
This one isn’t that great but check out the colors on this Mandrill! The sign said it was so the pack could easily recognize him as the leader but I wonder if it’s more useful in impressing the girls! 🙂
Komodo Dragon