
My sister and brother are into film making and produced this film short for my Mom’s birthday using all her grandkids. It is totally adorable and ought to put you in the Christmas spirit! Enjoy!

Days with Flora

Only a few days old and we love our little Flora girl so much!


Enjoyed a family dinner the evening of Flora’s birthday. Brian’s grandparents had entertained the kids all day and his parents arrived that evening and took them home for a week so I could rest.


The next day Flora helped me pack up all my maternity clothes! The house was quite warm from running loads of laundry. Brian and I rested, watched a movie, played games and discussed our ten year goals. What a wonderful day with my man!


Tuesday saw us taking our first little outing. Since eating in a restaurant with two toddlers is somewhat less than romantic, we decided to take advantage of our reduced household and did a lunch date at Olive Garden. Flora happily napped in her car seat and enjoyed being admired by the other diners.


We gave Flora a bath last night – she didn’t know what to make of it but took it with her typical wide-eyed calm. She’s a relatively quiet baby and prefers to make her needs known through grunts and coos rather than crying. She will lie happily awake for two hours or sleep so hard nothing you do can wake her up. Her daddy totally adores her and her mommy loves to cuddle her and just look at her and think how cute she is!

“Children are a blessing from the Lord and the fruit of the womb is His reward.” Thank you God for our beautiful daughter!!


Flora Gene Cahill – the newest member of our family!


Flora means “flourishing” and Gene means “well born.”

“Those that be planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God.” Psalm 92:13

Flora has been born into a family that loves and serves God. We pray that we will plant seeds of faith in her heart that will cause her to flourish under His care.


Flora was born at home on Nov. 27th at 5:02 in the morning.


She weighed 6 lbs. 8 oz. and measured 19.25in long. Her big sister Ivy woke up in time to help record the stats.


Our midwife, Sorani (left) has delivered all three of our children – what a blessing! Her assistant, Rebekah goes through all the new born tests.


Lance woke up and was introduced to his new sister.


Here is our whole family!! The kids were at home because I went into labor after they were already in bed and had the baby before they woke up.


Brian’s grandma, Gene Cahill, is happy to have a great grandchild named after her!


Aunt Stacie came for the birth and was a wonderful help – thank you so much!! She supported Amy during labor, helped with the kids, took pictures, cooked meals and was generally a blessing to have around. I love my sister!


Stacie also did a little photo shoot for us Sunday morning. Brian’s parents took the older kids for a week so we can relax and enjoy our newest child.


What a joy to welcome a new little person into the world!


Our beautiful baby girl!!

Baby Jenny

My sister, Lori, had her baby a week ago and we were able to go down and see it! At 8 lbs. 14 oz. baby Jenny gave her mom a work out just getting here so she had to be monitored a bit when she arrived. However, she is perfectly healthy and adorably cute.


My first glimpse of Jenny in the NICU – big chubby cheeks! She totally looks like her daddy.


Finally able to stretch out! Jenny was so big she started out in size 1 diapers instead of newborn.


I brought the kids to visit once Jenny made it home. Here I am wishing my baby would hurry up and arrive!


Kissing cousins.

Lance was very sweet and couldn’t get enough of holding Jenny. Even if she was crying he remained calm and dutiful and didn’t want to give her up. He’s going to be such a good big brother to our new one.


Ivy wasn’t as sure about the baby but did enjoy looking at her and trying out the pacifier – both on Jenny and herself.

We are so glad for a new cousin!

Daily News

New City Transportation

Walking is overrated. Running up and down the hall has become a thing of the past. Get around in style on our new train line!


Engineer Lance revs the engine on Cahill county’s newest addition to the carpet! Proud of this new invention, Lance was very eager to have someone try it out. Unfortunately passengers were hard to come by and even after chasing one down and commanding her to ride the train she still had to be drug, under protest, to the box cars. A wise onlooker suggested that the teddy bears ride instead.

After a recent modification, the train has taken on the great outdoors and seem perfect for hauling acorns, sticks, rocks and any other interesting object found along the railway lines.

Note: passenger weight limit not to exceed one pound unless mother engine is employed for extra push.


Getting the kids to bed has taken on athletic proportions for one urban family. Needing a way to unwind and relax from the day, one couple decided to take an evening walk. Not only did this provide opportunity for uninterrupted conversation and family togetherness, but confining their children to the stroller caused general sleepiness and agreeability about bed time. Having hit upon this wonderful sleep aid, plans are laid to make exercise an evening ritual.

Health and Beauty


Announcing the winner of the Little Miss Cahill beauty pageant: Ivy Annette!

Special attention was given to her Sunday morning attire while rosy little cheeks won the judges’ enthusiastic admiration. Thanks to Brian Cahill (aka daddy) for judging this event.



In honor of Veteran’s day our cover model shows off the latest in patriotic attire. Let’s hear it for our heroes!


A light snowfall despite the 70º temperature proved somewhat messy in Cahill county. While defrosting her freezer with the aid of two children and a hair dryer, one mother reported that the rain of snow and ice turned into a small flood. Clean up efforts required 3 towels and a load of laundry. Some looting resulted from the chaos and a peanut butter cookie is reported missing. Small boy suspected.

Around Town

Cahill county prides itself on community. To enhance relationships and gladden hearts everywhere each edition strives to record happy events that will bring a smile to our readers. Just this morning live footage was captured of two happy little children, coexisting in peace and harmony. We hope this brightens your day.

Comics: Good for a laugh

Lance, after learning his full name has recently taken to calling his sister “Ivy George”

Just overheard “Uh-oh, Lance tear Bible. Mommy pix (fix) it”

Lance put on Brian’s good shoes, walked to the door and announced “Lance go work”

When Ivy has a toy Lance usually wants it. If she won’t hand it over he throws a fit which usually moves her to generosity. She will give it to him with a sweet smile and say “thank you”.

The kids are learning about traffic lights. When it’s dark and I come up on a red light Ivy will say “stoplight!” then we talk about “red light stop” until it’s time to “green light go’”.

Lance counted his goldfish crackers at lunch today “one, two, five, three, four”

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