By amy on November 8, 2010
This Saturday the kids didn’t seem to want to take a nap so we packed them up and took them to a fall festival at a nearby church.
First stop was the pony rides. Both kids thought this was great fun and Ivy didn’t want to get off. We rode them several times over the course of the afternoon.
There was a petting zoo with goats, chickens, ducks, rabbits, pot belly piglets and a rather scary calf. All the animals were fairly tame but the goats could get into a bit of a feeding frenzy if you had a cup of food. Of course, this problem corrected itself as more and more feed was distributed by eager little hands.
Much to Lance’s delight the local fire station was there with a truck.
Along with hot dogs and popcorn there was cotton candy – a new experience for both kids. Ivy wasn’t so sure on the first bite but on second taste decided that yes, this was edible. Lance on the other hand couldn’t stuff it in fast enough! Good thing I had wipes with me!
The kiddie bounce house was very popular with Lance and Ivy – non stop movement and fun! They played on this the majority of the time. In all we kept them going for 3 solid hours – I think that helped contribute to the success we had in adjusting them to the time change. What a fun afternoon!
Posted in Family News
By amy on November 6, 2010
This post is made possible by my sister–in–law who inspired me to try a new variation on eggs and because we were up early on a Saturday morning.
Poached Eggs: A trial run.
Me and my cooking buddy started out to try our hand at boiling eggs. First came a lesson on the difference between the words “oil” and “boil”.
Next Lance helped me put cheese on the eggs waiting in their little bowls.
We slid each egg into the pot and set the timer.
About this time Ivy wakes up and decided to check out what’s happening so we use the cooking time to take everyone to the potty.
The first eggs come out great and while the second batch is cooking we get ready to eat! Lance sets the table and Ivy heads for her chair.
Everything was perfect – we feasted on delicious poached eggs and triple berry coffee cake (Brian’s favorite).
Ivy approved of the eggs!
Afterwards we all cleaned up – Lance really puts his whole self into any task.
And thus goes our experiment – a great success!
Posted in Family News
By amy on November 4, 2010
Ivy has such big, expressive eyes and can use them quite to her advantage. Daddy seems most taken with them but she can work a quick charm on just about everyone she meets. She has been noted for her early and extensive vocabulary, but her eyes are quite eloquent as well.
Relief (finally getting to eat!)
Not sleepy!
Innocent stare (when guilty)
What a little treasure!
Posted in Family News
By amy on November 2, 2010
Along with several other recent improvements, our apartment complex added a new playground!
This is an exciting addition to our “fun things to do nearby” list. There’s a big and little slide, stuff to climb on and manipulate….
There is the perfect amount of swings…
And a really fun tire swing! However, the best activity seems to be playing with all the wood chips. I can see many fun days ahead!
Posted in Family News
By amy on October 27, 2010
Caution: Content of pictures is so adorable that the blogger had trouble deciding which to use and therefore included quite a few! This may cause slight disinterest in most viewers except grandparents.
We arrived at the pumpkin patch right as it opened and enjoyed some of the activities before the crowds came. Here Lance and Ivy explore the hay bale maze.
Next we enjoyed a private session in the bounce houses – what fun!!
Mommy gets some squinty shots of her cuties.
We were joined by our friends Landon…
…and Addison
We rode on a hay ride and played on the hay bales (which are excellent for jumping).
Lance volunteered to pull the wagon…as long as nothing was in it.
Ivy explored the pumpkin patch while Lance tried to make a getaway under the fence (little does he realize but he could have avoided the trouble and gone around the edge).
We posed for pictures and picked our favorite pumpkin….
…and posed for some more pictures….
Until we thought our faces would turn into grinning jack-o-lanterns.
Mommy’s little pumpkins.
Posted in Family News