Found this unfinished draft awaiting release, so at the risk of “overwhelming” my readers, I’ll publish two posts in one day! Enjoy 🙂
When you have little people, things are always changing! Here are a few of our recent happenings:
Eden celebrated her March birthday with a trip to the Waco zoo.
In May, Skye changed from 3 to 4 with a Madeline birthday party.
Garrison is learning letters – his favorite, of course, is letter G
Our school year ended for the summer. Eden and Ivy show off their ocean box that we made as part of our science class.
Ryder is becoming more and more of a playmate for Garrison.
My sister directed the cousins in a play set in China in preparation for camp Grammy.
Ryder went from crawling….
…to walking!!
One of our goats had kids! Then another goat turned out to not be pregnant…and our third had to be put down due to a serious birth complication. With only one goat in milk (and a fence jumping trouble maker at that!) we decided it was time to move into a new line of dairy animal…
Meet Ms. Viola and little Alfred (for all you Hank the Cowdog fans). Our Jersey cow and calf.
We expected to hand milk, just like we did with our goats, but quickly realized this would not work on a daily basis, not to mention finding someone who could milk when we took a vacation.
Brian spent hours researching and experimenting with pumps and now Ivy and Eden can handle the job themselves.
So there you have some of the news and times of the Cahill Crew!