Recent changes

Found this unfinished draft awaiting release, so at the risk of “overwhelming” my readers, I’ll publish two posts in one day! Enjoy 🙂


When you have little people, things are always changing! Here are a few of our recent happenings:

Eden celebrated her March birthday with a trip to the Waco zoo.

In May, Skye changed from 3 to 4 with a Madeline birthday party.

Garrison is learning letters – his favorite, of course, is letter G

Our school year ended for the summer. Eden and Ivy show off their ocean box that we made as part of our science class.

Ryder is becoming more and more of a playmate for Garrison.

My sister directed the cousins in a play set in China in preparation for camp Grammy.

Ryder went from crawling….

…to walking!!

One of our goats had kids! Then another goat turned out to not be pregnant…and our third had to be put down due to a serious birth complication. With only one goat in milk (and a fence jumping trouble maker at that!) we decided it was time to move into a new line of dairy animal…

Meet Ms. Viola and little Alfred (for all you Hank the Cowdog fans). Our Jersey cow and calf.

We expected to hand milk, just like we did with our goats, but quickly realized this would not work on a daily basis, not to mention finding someone who could milk when we took a vacation.

Brian spent hours researching and experimenting with pumps and now Ivy and Eden can handle the job themselves.

So there you have some of the news and times of the Cahill Crew!


Summer is usually spent seeking water sources to cool off!

Sometimes it’s the creek with cousins…

Other times a puddle in the neighbors driveway.

However, the biggest source this summer has been my parents new pool!

This has made for a wonderful time to get wiggles out when hot summer days mostly chase us indoors.

Daddy fun day has taken on new dimensions as well 🙂

With the constant practice, our oldest five are now strong swimmers.

But coming up in the ranks are two new swimmers!

Skye is thrilled with her new skill and hopes she it tall enough next year to touch the bottom so she won’t have to wear floats anymore.

The big surprise though is my two year old who pretty much taught himself to swim! He kept purposefully putting his face in the water and kicking around in his float. Then when we decided to practice some drown-proofing he surprised us by leaping right in and mastering each skill with ease. He seems to get a thrill out of the whole thing.

I can tell you, when I took this group to the public pool by myself I was much more at ease and really only had to watch Ryder.

The weather forecast shows another week or two of warm weather so we’ll be making the most of our last chances to swim!

Family Vacation!

In May we took a family trip to Corpus Christi as the culmination of our school studies in ocean science and explorers that sailed the high seas.

First stop was the USS Lexington – a WWII aircraft carrier.

We tried out life aboard a ship – suddenly their rooms at home seemed a lot bigger!

On deck we admired several planes and tried out a cockpit or two.

Garrison preferred the captain’s chair!

Later that evening we walked around the Marina, admiring the fishing boats. We also looked at a replica of the Columbus ship “Pinta.”

Amazingly, the owner was there along with a diver who was attempting to patch a leak in the bottom of the ship. We got quite the informative talk!

Because my grandparents lived near Corpus I knew of a special beach that held many memories from my childhood visits.

We called it “The Mountain Beach.” The clay mountains are still there to play on, though they have eroded a bit since I was young.

We gathered driftwood and built a fort – another childhood memory.

This was the first time at a beach for half my children! A small inlet where sea grass broke the surf and provided a gentle first experience with waves and salt water.

Good thing I brought a change of clothes!

A good time was had by all!

Next post – the Gulf!

Happy Birthday Ryder!

One year ago a little package arrived with no clue what lie ahead.

He joined a band of brothers….

….and watched while he grew.

And grow he did! From learning to play,

To crawling

To walking!!

Whether part of the larger group

or just along for the ride

Ryder came into his personality.

And a few curls.

Happy Birthday little man!



Easter week activities

With the coming celebration on the Resurrection, we took time this week to do some activities with the kids each day.

Palm Sunday:

Brian’s mom had given us these nifty little “magic pencil” coloring books on the Easter story so we did those with each day’s story. It was hard to keep them from coloring more than one page!

Jesus cleansing the Temple:

Reading the Biblical account was followed by reenactment outside. (This was good because the kids were very energetic that morning!)

We had a snack of chocolate coins to remind us of the money changers at the temple.

We also started making a poster of what happened each day.

Next was Jesus teaching daily in the temple. In one of the Gospels he tells the story of the Vineyard owner with the hired workers who won’t give him his due and finally kill his son. We acted out that story and ate grapes as a snack.

Spy Wednesday

Again we read the account from the Bible, this time of Judas going to the High Priests and agreeing to betray Jesus. We read all the various “scenes” with Judas then acted it out and made a video.


This time the snack was a chocolate kiss to remind us that Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss.


Foot washing

Last Supper

And snack was – of course – grape juice and crackers.

Good Friday:

Worked some more on our poster.

It happened that the cooperation/behavior of the kids this day was a perfect lead in to why Jesus gave his life. We wrote our sin and then nailed it to the cross. Then with the idea of Micah 7:19 we through the cross with our sin into the depths of the sea (or pond in this case).

Finished off with a crown of thorns snack (cookie with pretzels on top).

Saturday: Jesus was in the tomb and not much happened. Good thing because at our place we had a work day and not much happened on our Easter study either.

Resurrection Sunday!!!

Wake up to Hot Cross Buns!

Beautiful flower bouquet from our garden.

Brian made up the “empty tomb” game – you looked under each cup and if there was nothing under it, you won a chocolate chip! Played that about a dozen times until everyone had a chocolate chip.

Finished up with a scavenger hunt, getting items that related to various parts of the whole week.

Thanks for reading! Many ideas came from others who have shared on their blogs. What fun to try new things with my children. I hoped to do something that would stick in their minds and already they are asking about if we will do this or that next year – and so traditions start.

May you find the blessing of new life in Christ!!!

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