A party!


Today is my birthday party!!! After making my cake and taking a nap I was more than ready for an adventure!


First stop, the Fire Station! As we arrived the station got a call so we watched the trucks race out with lights flashing and sirens blaring – exciting!


The fire Chief showed us the station and a hook and ladder truck.


We all took turns in the driver’s seat.

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I’m glad my sister came along so I could show her how everything worked. I read lots about fire trucks you know. I can even say “fire truck”.


Here are my friends: Logan, Landon, me, Addison and Ivy.


After they finally drug me out of the fire truck we went to the park and my cake was there! I think it’s really neat.


Daddy tried to light the candles but the wind was blowing too much. That’s okay, I’m not good at blowing them anyhow.

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Eating is much more in my line of expertise. So is digging in the sand.


Ivy had a great time too, sharing an ice cream with a little boy on the playground.


She wasn’t too happy with Uncle Dude for putting a stop to her good times.

Later my great grand parents took me to IHOP where the waitress gave me ice cream. I’m not sure what I did to deserve such good treatment!


I had a great day. Now I am a REAL Fireman.

Happy Birthday!


Lance is two years old today! He loves fire trucks so we planned a birthday visit to a station. All the pictures are on my sister’s camera so this will have to do until I can get them from her.

   Lance is an incredible little man. He has a strong sense of how things should be and constantly goes about arranging his little world just so. He tries hard to do whatever strikes his fancy and gets frustrated if things don’t work like they should. He has winning smile that makes my day and an out-going personality that instantly wins friends. He loves his baby sister and can burst out in spontaneous laughter in order to make her laugh.

  Physically, Lance is still a little guy, just now fitting into size 12 month clothes, but his size doesn’t hold him back, he just figures out creative ways to do what the big kids do.  He has a limited range of foods he likes, his top favorites being peanut butter, strawberry yogurt and cheese. He refuses to try anything that Ivy eats – not even cheerios. He likes to be clean and will ask for a rag part way through his meal so he can wipe his hands. He likes to read books with Mom and wrestle with Dad. He can set the table, pick up his toys, wipe up a spill and LOVES to help mommy cook – he even helped with his own birthday cake.

  It has been so much fun watching him grow and learn and develop. We are so grateful God gave us this gift – our little helper, Lance.

Weekend visit

My sister, Lori, and her husband Jonathan came for a visit last weekend. Here are some of the highlights!

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Lance got his birthday present from Gammy – a fire hat! He also got a box of raisins from Aunt Lori and proceeded to eat the entire box upon opening. Ivy tried the big slide at the park – exhilarating.


We played Bocci while grilling a fajita feast! L&J won – though it seems Brian has a handicap…


Went to the Stockyards on Monday. Lori took this shot of me and the kids. (note Ivy eating the rocks)


L&J had couple bonding time trying to race through a huge wooden maze.


The kids whiled away the time in a stage coach. Almost couldn’t get Lance out when it was time to leave!


Lori picked up a cute cowboy who was hanging around the depot. Just needs a hat and he’d be perfect.

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Next stop: Botanical Gardens. Got a sisters shot and a rare one of Amy up a tree. We explored many forgotten trails.


The kids enjoyed the outdoors immensely and were the only ones not worn out by the end of the trip.

We had a great time visiting and talking, playing and laughing. I love family.

Looking forward to another visit and a birthday party this weekend!


Well, sort of…

Here’s Ivy’s latest accomplishment. This kid is growing up a lot faster than Lance!


The weather has taken a beautiful turn so the kids and I have headed out door for a little fun.


Ivy loves the new area to explore. Nothing bothers her as she crawls full steam ahead through sand, dirt and grass.


I introduced Lance to the fun of dandelions. This was such an intriguing pastime that he found and picked just about every one that graced our friends backyard. Thanks to his industriousness there should be double the amount of “flowers” next time we come to play.


Lance never really got the hang of blowing, but Landon sure did.

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