
After avoiding our morning run two days in a row on the excuse that it was cold out, I suggested that we get Brian to work early on Wed. and he come home early for an afternoon run when it was warmer. Brian thought this was a good idea and commented that if he left that early he wouldn’t have to take the kids to the potty or do anything with them.

Wed morning 4:45 am: Ivy starts crying

4:55: Brian puts a warmer blanket on her to see if she’ll go back to sleep

5:10: We give up trying to sleep and get Ivy

5:15: Lance wakes up too

5:30: we decide to bundle everyone up and go running anyhow


Getting back, Daddy takes care of Ivy while Mommy makes breakfast


Lance helps


Daddy takes Lance potty while Mommy pumps milk for Ivy


Daddy feeds Ivy while Mommy finishes breakfast and packs a lunch for Daddy

8:00 am Daddy leaves for work and Mommy puts the kids back to bed – at the time they should have just been waking up. So much for an early morning and no child care for Daddy. At least when the kids decide to be quirky Mommy and Daddy can double team them and still win!

Thanks Brian for all your help!

Old timey days

Due to beautiful weather, we decided to take the kids on a field trip to the Log Cabin village. (or maybe it was mommy who wanted to go). Either way, we all had a grand time.


After the last post you can only guess how many pictures it took to get this shot.

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Lance and Ivy trying on the latest fashions and pumping water. There was also a mountain man band having a music jam but Lance wouldn’t dance.


Grinding cornmeal – a boy’s gotta eat!

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Lance’s favorite activity was collecting eggs.               Ivy helped.

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By the end, both kids had reverted back to the “good ‘ol days.”

The progression of a picture

The other day we tried to get a cute photo of the kids together:

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For being so photogenic, Lance is sure hard to photograph!

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And then, just as Lance settles down, Ivy decides she’s done.


Maybe sitting down….ah yes, nice shot of the siblings.


Are we done yet?

Moral: Have a fast camera or choose an easier subject…like leaves or something.


Now that you have been fully informed on the details of our wonderful vacation, it’s time to give a little update on the kids.


As of yesterday, Lance (19 1/2 mo) weighs 19 lbs, has 8 teeth and wears underwear all the time now.


Ivy (4 mo) weighs 16 lbs, has rolled over once and wears size six month clothing.


Lance loves his fire truck book and will “read” it by making siren noises. One night after he was put to bed I caught him up by the door –where the light was better – reading his fire truck book in his fire truck pj’s. Had to go around the corner and laugh before telling him to get back in bed.


Ivy loves to smile and laugh. She does her little “sit-ups” all the time, often holding them for 10-15 seconds at a time! She’s on a good schedule now, sleeps 11 hours at night and eats only four time a day. Wonder baby!

Lance is developing new skills every day. Once I was sitting at my computer when I hear a sound that was his equivalent of “ta-da!” and turned to see him like this:


He can climb the ladder at the park and by pulling a pillow off the couch to give him a boost, he can climb up there as well. Saturday night I was folding laundry while we were watching a movie and Lance figured out how to put on his own shorts. he was so proud of himself.


Ivy does her share of the tricks too. She can also blow bubbles until she has a beard. (such talent, eh?)


Lance loves his little sister and spends much of his time trying to entertain her…even if she’s supposed to be napping. This particular time Lance loaded her crib with toys – who could sleep with all that fun going on!


Sometimes his constant attention isn’t appreciated.

However, when it’s all said and done, these two have a blast together!

Trail of Tears

(or how I got a scholarship)


Many, many moons ago, white man come to Indian territory. Ug. He come with squaw. Him see land, it good.


White man build wigwam, say land his now. Him tell Indian, “no come back”. Ummm.


Braves fight. Ug. Many go to happy hunting ground. Squaw say wait, no more die.


Squaw go to big chief washington, cry heap big tears. Wahh. Big chief have wise plan:


Make tribe inside big tribe. Ummm. Indian live with white man.


White man keep land. Indian make heap big money. Friends now.


Editors note: Amy, Stacie and Lance are registered Potawatomi Indians and visited their tribal grounds in OK. Amy and Stacie received college scholarships from their tribal benefits. Indians were always good at survival.

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