4th of July

Tired of twiddling our thumbs while waiting on baby to arrive, Brian and I decided to pack the weekend and have fun!

Sat. morning found us up by 5:30 to take our usual walk (in hopes of starting something). After breakfast and getting ready, we headed out to the city parade. It must have been a long time since I saw a parade – I was amazed at the amount of candy being thrown around, though this must be somewhat the norm because people were prepared with bags to stash it all away. Our church had a float and they handed out bottled water which I thought was a great idea.


Watching the first truck at the beginning….Lance’s favorite was the drum and cymbal players and the mariachi band.

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Watching with Daddy                                                   Enjoying a sucker thrown from one of the floats.

From the parade we went home, ate some lunch then headed back out to see Sam and Bekah and their new little baby, Sadie. Lance was mildly impressed. From there we took a quick trip to Fry’s electronics (Brian’s outing) then headed to Gammy and Gampy’s for some food and swimming!


Gammy and Gampy, celebrating 61 years of marriage on the fourth – Gampy jokes he picked this date for the wedding because it was  the day he lost his independence.


Lance had plenty of people ready to play with him.


We were exhausted by the time we headed home and Lance hadn’t had much in the way of a nap all day so we all lay down for a rest at 8:00 while deciding whether we were up to watching fireworks. Lance seemed to sense there were exciting possibilities for the evening and still hadn’t dropped off to sleep by 9:00, so we all got back up, and headed out to Brian’s work to watch the fireworks show. We made it in time to hear the last two pieces played by the Irving Orchestra then watch a spectacular fireworks display. Lance jumped at the first two or three booms then watched in amazement. Back in the car as we drove home he jabbered excitedly until the lateness of the hour kicked in. We all made it to bed by 11:00….and Lance woke us up at 6:30 this morning. Great holiday!

While we are waiting….

Well, yesterday was my due date but still no baby. On Wed. I had lunch with Brian up at his work and got a kick out of people’s reaction when they learned I was due the next day.

As for my due date, Lance did his best to distract me from any thoughts about the baby. He started off the morning by wetting two pair of underwear and while I was taking one to the wash and getting another, he pooped on the floor.


Later, as I was cleaning house I went to investigate why Lance was being so quiet…..


He did let me know when he was ready for his nap though – a welcome downtime after a busy morning.

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Today we are getting ready for a visit from Brian’s family. After completing a project, Brian decided to let Lance use up the leftover paint.


Lance isn’t sure if the amount of fun out weighs the clean up.

Boys will be Boys….

The antics of my boys has me forever running to get the camera – you never know what they will find amusing.

Does this remind you of an older brother kind of trick?

And here Brian is trying to show me “what’s the use of getting a dog, Lance is just as good!”

Finally, all boys love guns. Whether shooting or being shot, it’s all a big game. Lance would also giggle every time he walked past one of the water jets because it tickled.

Sunday Morning

Early Sunday morning we pulled Lance out of bed, fed him a banana and headed to the park to take pictures. With Jellybean due any day now we thought to get a few pictures of our little family…

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Isn’t Brian a great photographer?!                           We used a stool and the timer for this one.

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Mommy                                                                       Daddy

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Family Tree :-)                                                          On the slide.

Lance Helps

Lance is getting very capable and mastering new skills every day!

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One of his favorites is dressing himself – he’ll walk all over the house with a shirt sitting on top of his head or pulling something on and then off again. While on the potty he’ll take his underwear and use it as a hat. Just the other day he pulled one of my shirts out of the laundry, put it on where it totally covered his head and took off – only to walk right into a door.


He’s also gaining some practice on a few more chores around the house.

It’s not that having a kid is twice as much work, it’s that working a kid takes twice as long. 🙂

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