Corpus Christi

   Last weekend our anticipated trip East to attend a wedding changed course and headed south for a funeral instead. My Grandma (or Gram as we knew her) passed away and we were able to pay our respects in person.

   We took off Sat. morning, wondering how Lance would fare on the 7+ hour trip. A little outside of Austin we passed a Cabela’s outdoor store and having been there before, Brian thought it would make a fun place for Lance to stretch his legs.


Lance was wowed by the huge fish that seemed close enough to tough…if it weren’t for that glass in the way….


Daddy and Lance explored all over the store, trying out the products.

Mommy enjoyed looking at all the stuffed animal setups, from African savannah to Arctic tundra.


Since our destination was near the beach we took another little pit stop to introduce Lance to the ocean. He was underwhelmed – the waves were big and splashy and the sand kept washing out from under his feet.


Within the comfort zone of Daddy’s presence, Lance claims a victory over the receding waves.

The rest of Saturday evening was spent visiting with my grandpa, aunt and cousin.


Sunday was the funeral where all the “Jones kids” sang a favorite hymn and my Dad gave the eulogy.

My grandma was a neat person, always interested in building others up and investing in their lives. I have many fond memories of Summer weeks at her house.


The graveside service followed with my brothers acting as pallbearers.

Brian and I left from here to make the drive back home, picking up a little hitchhiker in the form of my sister Katie. We arrived back at our place late that night – exhausted but glad we were able to shown our love with our presence.


Life has it moments…so I thought I’d share a few with you:

For those who wonder what a stay at home mom does all day….

My “garden” had aphids so I looked up a cure online – got rid of the aphids all right, and nearly the whole plant too!

Lance made a card for his aunt Katie – many tears went into this special gift because we wouldn’t let him eat the markers.

The end of friendship….bread that is – it took three moppings to clean the floor.

Daddy and Lance have a little fun at mommy’s expense one evening.


This Sat. we had a visit from Brian’s sister and her husband and Oliver – Lance’s first cousin from the Cahill side.

Nathan, Rachel and Oliver – They were here to celebrate their first anniversary so we kept Oliver while they went out for bowling and dinner. It was my trial run on life with two kids 🙂

Trying out our new double jogging stroller on the way to the park.
I wanted to get some cute pictures of the cousins…
 ….but Oliver didn’t want to lay in Lance’s lap and Lance didn’t care much for Oliver either.
Lance much preferred honing his slide climbing skills – just to show Oliver who was boss.

Memorial Day weekend

I think it’s high time for another peek into our life happenings.
For Memorial Day weekend we drove down to visit my family – what a treat!
Brian thought it would be fun to take my parents out on a double date. We stopped for pizza then hit the bowling alleys.

If you’ve never tried to bowl around a bowling ball sized stomach then just try and imagine how that might affect your game.
In the first match, Dad took a quick lead with Brian right on his tail. The guys dominated the round with Brian clipping Dad’s lead on the last frame!

However, as the second game took shape I managed to refine my new style and surprised myself with victory!
(Mom wishes to note that she bowled much better in the first game).

Sunday we went swimming – it was a little chilly so Lance didn’t want much to do with the water. The rest of us swam for a while then played Skip-Bo.

Stacie’s dance outfit was similar to my maternity swimsuit and made out of the same material so she wore it swimming.

Sunday morning found us all dressed up nice so we decided to take a few pictures:

                      Lance Dance.                                                                      The little family….

                                        The big family

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