Fun with Friends

A few days ago the twins and Lance met up with another friend at the park.

Feeding the ducks (and pigeons) was first on the agenda – all the kids loved it!


Lance (13mo) Landon (10mo) Logan (16 mo) Addison (10mo)


The pigeons were fun to chase and if you were fast enough you might get some of the bread they left behind in their panic!


After a good nap Lance got to visit the twins and play with their toys – he loves it over there!


This piano is one of his favorite toys – it even plays Beethoven! Lucy and Schroeder maybe?

Mountain climber

As Lance gets more mobile he enjoys larger challenges. Yesterday Brian set up a “mountain” for Lance to conquer. Motivation is everything so there was a special prize waiting at the pinnacle.

What goes up must come down – faster maybe but not necessarily easier.

The little champ is none the worse for wear however and he sure sleeps well!


After three videos of Lance staring blankly at the camera, I finally caught a brief sample of what I hear all day!

One of his favorite words sounds like “Odie” (Garfield’s sidekick) if he says it a bunch of times in a row it sounds like he’s yodeling.

One fine day


Park time with my friends from next door – Landon and Addison (twins – 10 mo.)….


Plus dinner time face painting…..


Equals bath time for Lance! (playing peek-a-boo with his towel hood)


Showing off my new teeth!


All cleaned up and ready for bed.

Live and In Person

I’ve been having fun taking videos of Lance recently because sometimes a picture just can’t capture the action.  So here are a few for you to enjoy!

His new household chore: Window washing – most of the hand prints are right where he can reach them anyhow.

Lance has progressed in his mobility – commando crawl didn’t work so well on concrete.

(note: apparently his new progress has been noted in the nursery and he has been “promoted” out of bed babies)

Life’s little choices – too bad they weren’t all this good!

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