This is what gets me going in the morning 🙂
Visit with Family
This past weekend we traveled over to Brian’s parents for a visit – here are a few of the highlights:
Lance had his 1 year old check up – he weighed in at 17 lbs. and had grown 3 inches!
Lance’s new walking skills were shown off – at first he was reluctant to walk to anyone else but mom and dad, he even abruptly changed course once to land in mom’s lap instead of the intended receiver. Uncle Kevin finally persuaded him to come by shaking some car keys.
Brian’s sister, Rachel, shows Lance a video of himself. I think Brian looks really buff in this picture.
One afternoon was spent playing a new disc golf course in Tyler. Brian had the two pregnant ladies on his team (Amy and Rachel) so it’s a good thing he could throw far! His teammates contented themselves with making a difference on the putts.
Lance celebrated his 1st birthday with another big family gathering – all the Cahill kids were there plus spouses/boyfriends and grandparents.
Lance’s cake had a marshmallow topping which he would pick off and eat in bits. Once the marshmallow was stuck on his hand and he had us in stitches while he tried his best to shake it off.
Lance loved his new toys. He liked the first one he unwrapped so much that he cried every time we took it away trying to get him to open the next one. I guess a 1 year old only needs one present 🙂 He also got a cool walking toy that he loves to push around everywhere.
Happy Birthday
One year ago today (or rather sometime late this evening) Lance came into the world.
He came with a smile, ready to greet life. And today he is still the same – a smile for everyone he meets.
Today we are visiting Brian’s family and of course that means a check-up with Grandpa “Doc”. Lance wore his little scrubs for the occasion which made for a big hit at the office. We confirmed that he really is growing – just at his own rate 🙂 Amy’s family sang “happy birthday” over the phone to cheer him up after his shots.
This whole last year with our little man has been delightful. Lance is an incredibly cheerful boy – he awakes in the morning with a little call telling us he’s ready to start the day. He loves to be outside and park time is always a favorite. He loves animals, especially dogs. He tends to behave even better in public than at home and is a determined learner. He goes with the flow and seems poised to enjoy whatever circumstance comes his way. We know we have been incredibly blessed with such an optimistic, friendly fellow – he seems to know that life is truly good.
Lance is turning 1 tomorrow so today I’m celebrating by changing out his 6 month clothes for the 9 month ones. Good thing for him it’s warm enough to wear shorts!
Good times
Just a few random pictures….
Lance had his first horse ride a few weeks ago, we walked around the yard while Lance hung on to the saddle horn. Mommy galloped around a bit after handing him back to Dad – what fun! On another day Lance had a little play time outside and is showing me the leaf he found (which he then dropped into the drain).
And finally, I had an impulse buy – this onsie says “Mommy’s little Jelly Bean” is that cute or what?