Cahill Caller Times

Upon popular request, the Cahill Caller Times has published a special report regarding recent activities.

Invasion leaves Kitchen in Shambles

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Local residence pronounced disaster zone after entire contents of the kitchen was moved into the dining area in preparation for pest control spray.  Housewife moans “why do I keep my pantry so well stocked!” Despite best efforts on part of family and management an increasing population of roaches threatens to drive out residents. Future accommodation for the refugees is still unsure.

Developing News

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Lance Cahill (19 wks.) delighted his father by rolling over in his presence on Friday. Mother was cooking in the kitchen and missed the event and no amount of coaxing could bring on a repeat performance. However, two days later, the tumbling tot pleased his audience of two with four renditions in a row! While such feats bring praise and adoration during the day, youngster is puzzled when nightly performances are met with sleepy eyes and a pacifier.

Housing Inspection Committee finds Wide Range of Standards

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The Irving housing committee has been on the move recently. Inspections of apartments across town have yielded broad results but little progress. Standards have varied from dirty and sun-baked to small and beautifully landscaped. Some properties offer all bills paid  while others tempt the seeker with laundry service and personal trainers. “Recently renovated” has an alluring pull, offering new fixtures, carpet and paint. Pools are the one constant across all facilities. Price and amenities have yet to meet with inspectors desires.

Scrapbooking Duo

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“Answered prayer!” That’s how housewife Amy Cahill describes the recent discovery of a friendship connection. After inviting a couple over for Sunday lunch, Amy found a kindred spirit for her interest and a ‘date’ was set to pursue the joint hobby. Both women have young sons who enjoyed their play date – separately. Another meeting is scheduled for 10:00am tomorrow. Any wishing to join are welcome.


Lost: Canon PS2 – black, with shoulder strap, lens cover and pictures of cute baby. Last seen in the Henderson area. Please call xxx-xxx-xxxx with information regarding it’s location.

Found: 1 penny on the sidewalk next to the gas station. Reward expected for return.

Missing: An hour of sleep

Found: Black camera with cute pictures. Arrangements for return can be made. Inquire: Nana’s house


So, we’re on vacation at Brian’s parents. Just to make sure we have a nice profitable weekend….

Friday morning I woke up at 5:30 and walked four miles with Mom…

Friday evening we went on a five mile bike ride….

Then we went swimming….

But all that was only warm up for today!

We recruited all of Brian’s brothers to go on a 9 mile training run this morning!

Up at 5:00 we did it in an hour and a half, stretched, had a big breakfast and cooled off in the pool.

Now for a backgammon tournament.

New Toy

The other day, Brian put together a new entertainment center for Lance! Since Lance loves to stand up and loves to have his hands free to bang things, this seemed like the perfect time to introduce the walker.

He loves it!

Unfortunately, Lance has short legs. So we used a book to give him a little boost.

The grass is greener….

Despite temperatures over 100 in the afternoons, mornings here in Dallas have been quite pleasant this past week. I’ve taken Lance out to enjoy the weather a few times recently in hopes of nurturing a love for the outdoors 🙂

Lance wasn’t real thrilled with the texture of grass – though I have to admit I wouldn’t want to lie where my eyes were in danger of being poked out by grass blades.

Turned over on his back was a little better but it took a while to recover from his first experience.

Sitting up and away from the grass gave Lance the opportunity to assess the situation and make a better judgment  on whether the grass be friend or foe.

A tentative sample proved to reinforce his first impression.

Phooey on the great outdoors – fingers are much tastier!

The grass withers, the flower fades but the word of our Lord stands forever!

News flash!

Baby performs two stunts in one evening!

After being put down for a nap yesterday baby reaches new milestone while parents eat dinner. Mother says, “For a while I could hear his little ‘not sleepy’ noises as he settled down, then came a mad cry so I went to see what was wrong…” The baby had rolled over, much to his surprise! Further inquiry confirmed that the stunt was repeated this morning.

In other news…..

Baby Cahill has learned how to play a new game! Parents are delighted with emerging talent. “We can’t get anything done because we’re always watching his next move” says Dad. Both parents are convinced their son has excellent chances for the 2026 olympic games.

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