Bekah let me keep her camera for a day……..
Striking a pose.
“Me and Teddy”
Head’s up!
My happy boy.
For this child I prayed; and the Lord hath given me my petition which I asked of him.
1 Samuel 1:27
Well, I have finally caught up on things around the house enough to sit down and catch my readers up on life as it has happened.
Katie was here for two weeks and we tried to theme some of our activities around Titus 2:4-5:
That they (the older women) may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discrete, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
…love their husbands…
We straightened the house and made a yummy candlelight dinner for Brian. While we were working we discussed things we admired about Brian and Dad.
…love their children…
Katie did a wonderful job taking care of Lance – even jumping up to volunteer if I mentioned changing his diaper. Lance got sick one day, crying and running a fever. He wouldn’t nurse but did take a bottle. Katie and I took turns holding the hot, miserable little guy for over six hours. Such work can be exhausting. 🙂
We also checked out books at the library for Lance and his summer reading program.
…keepers at home…
Baking day made for a busy morning as we turned out bread, rolls, buns, pizza crust and muffins.
As a special treat, we made calzones and took them to Brian’s work for a lunch date.
…obedient to their own husbands…
Katie was very good about entertaining herself and Lance whenever I had a project from Brian or needed to edit his papers for school. She was also excellent about remembering to water the plants.
We helped out at a Bible club at an apartment complex near our church. Katie and I ran games and she helped out with snow cones on the last day while I supervised the bounce house. Here Brian is playing “wink” with some of the kids.
We also put together a meal and took it to a friend that just had a baby – funny thing was, except for being more filled out, Lance was smaller (in length) than the week old baby!
All in all, I enjoyed having Katie here and I hope we can do it again!
For you to enjoy!
Titus 2:4-5
That they (the older women) may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discrete, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
My little sister, Katie is visiting for two weeks, to play with Lance, have special time with me and observe the household workings. Part of joining in my daily life is to see what a wife does each day and in light of that, we’re going through the above verses and putting them into practice.
Be Sober: To do one’s duty, be moderate, thoughtful, and learn to make wise decisions.
After a week of no women in the house, there were things that needed doing! Katie and I practice having a sober mind by planning out our day in order to accomplish everything. Schedules must be flexible however.
Before shopping, laundry must be done.
After Landry is was time to feed Lance.
In the middle of feeding, pest control showed up – surprise!!!
A short round of errands then back for lunch and cleaning the refrigerator before loading it up with groceries.
Lance has a nap and eats again.
It was 2:00 and we needed to pick Brian up at four. Supper had to be started because we were going to look at apartments after we got him and would be getting home hungry – I still had to get groceries and gas.
God took this time to step in and give us some help by opening a new line right when we needed to check out, and letting the gas station across the street have the lowest price.
We unloaded groceries, fixed ourselves up nice to greet Brian, straightened the living room and started dinner – just in time to whisk out the door and get Brian.
Having done all that we needed to do, we were able to relax and enjoy our apartment tour, coming home to good smells and a clean house. As Katie stated in the car, “we’re being sober!”
We are at my grandparents to visit for a few days. These are my mom’s parents but we call them Gram and Grandpa. We’ve spet many summers at their house; swimming, going to the beach, riding bikes, playing at the park, T.V., monopoly, slip’n slide…I have many good memories.
Here’s a four generation shot. This is the only pictre you’ll get because the upload is being funny.
While I’ve been here I’ve been thinking a lot about married life. We were at a wedding this weekend where I watched my friends vow to love each other for better or worse…till death do us part. Gram is now in a nursing home, so different than the bride my grandpa vowed to love 54 years ago and yet, it’s like they’re still dating. Grandpa goes and spends visiting hours with her every day, trying to break up the monotony. He told me that he tries to bring her something special every day – yesterday it was two home-grown cherry tomatoes. Gram isn’t always very responsive, but he spends the time with her anyhow…every day….every week….I think he’s in love with her
I’m way from my husband right now, he carries on at the house, working hard to provide for Lance and I while we’re out having fun. He calls me every evening so we can talk and tell each other that we miss them. It’s like we’re courting again.
My Dad too is out working hard while the family is away. He’s putting in extra hours, even sleeping at the job site to save commuting time and gas, getting things done so he can enjoy the family when we get back.
Our men go to great lengths to provide for and take care of their women and children. It’s so neat to watch these amazing men and the good example they are providing for the next generation. May we as wives honor them because they truly are honorable. Thank God for these wonderful husbands.