By amy on February 6, 2008
Looks like slow and steady wil win the race – I’m only 1 pound behind Brian now! Boy, should have eaten more for dinner last night.
I had my midwife appointment yesterday and everything is checking out well. The little mover was a lot more cooperative for the heartbeat check but its squirming always makes the midwife laugh when she tries to check its positioning.
I can tell that the baby is getting bigger the little hard spot near my belly button has grown. I’ve learned that the hard spot is the baby’s bottom and I can take it and wiggle it, making the rest of the body move – of course the baby can retaliate by putting pressure on my bladder….
I finished up the rocking chair on Saturday – the weather was perfect! I put several coats of varnish on and now it sits, ready for use. I’m looking at making a pillow for the seat out of the leftover quilt material. I have yet to decide if I’ll do a quilt block or just a plain cushion.
I’m also trying to decide which book I’d like to read during my recovery after the birth – Ben-Hur or Les Miserables; any votes or recommendations?
And finally, Brian wanted me to put this picture up. I was making little pizzas and when I took the pan out of the oven one of the pizzas left sauce on my belly and I didn’t even notice! When called to eat, Brian dutifully informed me of my condition (not without some laughter). This belly gets itself into all kinds of messes now – guess I should put on an apron every time I enter the kitchen!
Posted in Family News
By amy on February 3, 2008
Today was my very first baby shower! It was hosted by our Sunday school class as a after church fellowship type event including everyones kids! I think they wanted to help us see what we were getting into. It was fun to have a little more time to get to know some of the people in our class and it was very neat to see them bless us even though we’ve barely been members for a month!
There was a really cute little cake for everyone to enjoy (especially the kids!) I don’t know where it came from but it’s one of the best ones I’ve tasted! We thought the little baby was really cute.
We opened gifts and admired the cute stuff! I think baby showers are a lot more fun than wedding showers – every thing is just so cute!
The frog stuff is from the pastors wife – she remembered our pictures from when we had them over for dinner! We also got several other frog outfits and a little frog bathrobe….it’ll be hard for this kid to outgrow the nickname!
From our S.S. class teachers we got this baby monitor with a neat note that said:
Just as this monitor will let you hear your child, parenthood gives you a special understanding of your relationship with God.
Today was just another neat reminder of how special a new life is…and how much closer that life is to entering into the world! Only 5 weeks!
Posted in Family News
By amy on January 30, 2008
Bekah and Sam are fleeing the metropolis for the quieter suburbs of Longview, leaving their dearest friends behind to fend for themselves. In one last desperate attempt to make them feel loved and wanted, Brian and I set up a park date with them. I chose a promising sounding park to investigate and planned a scrumptious dinner to grill. We met at the appointed time – or as soon as traffic would allow – and started the grill.
The park turned out to be more than we hoped, sporting one of the best playgrounds I’ve come across in my extended childhood:
Here we are, hanging out for the last time….
We made Brian try out this cool spinning thing – Brian didn’t think it was so great.
Sam takes Bekah for a spin!
Brian relaxes a bit to let his stomach settle before eating.
Our fajitas were ready by that time, so the guys rigged up a wind block while the girls finished meal prep. We all sat close to the grill, stuffed our faces and chatted. We never convinced them to stay, but we did have a good time together – one last fling. We’re gonna miss these two!
Posted in Family News
By amy_import2 on January 26, 2008
I was scrap-booking today and came across this picture. Pretty normal looking you would think, but something about it struck me as I looked back on time that once was….
.. I .look skinny in this picture!!!!
Posted in cahillfranchise
By amy_import2 on January 23, 2008
This post is for Katie:
Introducing: Kelsey!
Last night was another midwife appointment followed by a birthing class. I remembered to bring my camera and get a photo of my midwife. We had a hard time finding a good background, but I think she’s nicely framed
Kelsey is a student midwife from Kansas. She’s working on her internship at the birthing center and gave us a tour on our first visit. We felt welcomed by her warm personality, friendly smile and ready laugh. I believe she’s about my age and the oldest of a large family. She has an easy professional air coupled with confidence that encourages questions. She delights in our baby and laughs every time she goes to feel it as it squirms away from her hands. Brian and I both have confidence that she will handle the birth well and give us the best experience possible.
Now for Katie’s other request – a picture of my growing belly. It measured 3 inches bigger than two weeks ago – I think the little Tadpole is turning into a frog! It had the hiccups today and the lady I visit at the nursing home got to feel them. My weight is also creeping closer to Brian’s and I think I’ll beat him yet! So far I’ve gained 15 pounds! Only 8 weeks to go!
Posted in cahillfranchise