FBC Hawkins – Our new church home! Brian and I joined this morning. We have visited for a while, we had the pastor over to answer some questions and we had our Sunday school teachers over too. We have prayed for a good church home and this looks like the answer. […]
Today, Brian and I have been married for six months!
The baby Bluebirds sure have grown! Laura and I took a walk to visit them yesterday and I was amazed at how fast they are developing! The eyes aren’t open yet but they have a lot of feathers. They have also learned to recognize their parent’s voice and won’t open their little mouths when I […]
Exciting news from the garden! First off, I finished planting everything – I added carrots and corn, finishing out the whole plot. I discovered a few bean plants poking up through the soil. Here are our pepper and tomato plants: I even found a few “baby” tomatoes! They weathered the transplant wonderfully – no […]
I may not have time to post one about our garden till later due to all the things I have to do today, including planting (notice what time I’m up to get it all done!) So I thought I’d take this minute to post a picture of some little friends I’m watching as they grow. […]