
Imported from Amy’s TestifyHim Xanga


                                        This is a post for my wonderful brother, Brinan. Brian is such a wonderful guy and loves my sisters and me so much! I wish that everybody had a brother like Brian. Brian can do […]


More winter wonders. Hey, the water is stiff! It makes for really hard paddling – Sorry Brandy, I tried to use the form that you taught us but it all kind of goes to the wayside when you have to hack your way through to the water. Next we tried snowshoes! These are really cool […]


A Fairy Tale Once upon a time there was a big snow frog. (He was an albino) He was so big and so cold that no one wanted him to live in their pond (icebergs/titanic type thoughts). So the poor frog had to live way up north in the cold of Michigan. Along came a […]


We woke up Thursday morning to snow! We drove to Norwhich mines to go rappelling – in the snow??? Oh yes, it can be done, as Brian proved to me. First came a long haul up the mountain with all our gear. The climb was steep and slippery, made even more difficult because you couldn’t […]


Back again: You know, lucky for all of you xanga fans, I’m married to a computer guy so if there’s internet out there, he’ll find it. Accordingly, I have another post for your enjoyment! We “celebrated” halloween by eating at Wolf’s Lodge and posed with this witch! Later that day we arrived at our destination […]

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