Imported from Amy’s TestifyHim Xanga
Currently Watching Beyond the Gates of Splendor see related
I can’t decide what to write. I have to equally important and interesting bits to post; one about my interview yesterday and one about Jeremy. So, I will follow the recency/primacy rule and tell you what happened this afternoon. Read and know that vengeance is mine saith the Lord I will repay. Today, yes just […]
I now have seven pages and this is how the newest three came about: Finished reading the Nutcracker to Katie. Stained shelves for Dad. Went online to do more research on the Hallelujah diet. Talked to Mom about issues in the church. Continued reading online. Helped Katie with AWANA verses. Back to research. Get up […]
Four pages writen. Now it’s time for soccer…I’m free! Free!
And now I must write………. Lord, help!