Imported from Amy’s TestifyHim Xanga
Due to the the drought conditions our area had been under a burn ban for over six months; due to the nature of my dad’s job, he has a lot of scrap material to burn; the sum of these two facts produced quite a pile of lumber that we torched yesterday when the ban was […]
Well, this morning Starfire’s fever had risen to 105.8 so I called the vet and took her in. The vet was as baffled as we were so she gave the dog a shot of banamine to reduce the fever and a round of general antibiotics to help her fight whatever was bothering her. I went […]
This morning the poor dog wasn’t any better; in fact, her temperature was even higher and it had dropped down to 40 degrees during the night! Poor kid, she sits there shivering, but she’s really hot. After church I checked on her and saw that she had moved from our main porch which was in […]
Dog update: She’s still sick and refusing to eat. She drank some gatorade this morning but that’s all. She’s running a fever of 104 (normal being 100-102) and just lays on the porch. Poor kiddo.
Could y’all pray for my dog? She wouldn’t eat yesterday or today. I did a short run this morning but she was so low on energy she could hardly make it. I tried tempting her to eat with some leftovers this morning but she wouldn’t touch them. She seemed a little more perky this evening […]