Imported from Amy’s TestifyHim Xanga
Whoa, it’s been a while since I’ve contributed to the xanga ring, guess I was enjoying real life too much It looks like my site was hacked while I was gone, oh well. I am finally going to post the Sevens thing that I was tagged with. This will be a little different however because […]
Your site might be given back to you, if you promise to let us open all our presents early.
Man, Timothy is such a good brother! He is so much fun! We played star wars trivial pursuit the other day and he was great! Well got to go! sorry about the seven sevens.
I know I have been tagged with the “seven sevens ” survey and I will get to that. But first I just want to share good tiding of great joy which shall be for…well, mostly me. (and those that choose to rejoice with them that do rejoice). I have talked to my academic counselor at […]
THE ABDUCTION A Jones theatrical production that shockingly resembles real life. […]