Imported from Amy’s TestifyHim Xanga
Ahh, the twists and turns of life…”sometimes I’m up, sometimes I’m down.” I finally made contact with my academic advisor yesterday (she’s the one helping me through the process of graduation). I found out that I have several essays to write by the end of Dec. (some by the end of this week!) That wasn’t […]
Well yesterday was a very full day, lot’s to think about. I went to work with my brother on his FedEx route and we had a great time catching up on our lives and discussing life. One thing we were discussing was life choices and what was behind our actions. I was also reading a […]
God has done given me some wonderful things week and I just wanted to praise Him: 1. I got my test scores back for public speaking and I passed! 2. Our family did the entertainment for the Christmas party at my Grandmothers retirement home and while talking to one of the ladies there I invited […]
Today is a very special day! One year ago God gave us a wonderful little boy that has brought joy and laughter, love and blessings into our lives. Conner Andrew Jones (a.k.a. “the Nephew) had his first birthday today! How he has grown since that first hospital visit a year ago. Some of his […]
Well miracles still happen! Today there was a once-in-ten-years ice storm! I decided to forgo my morning jog and instead we unleashed the whole Jones clan plus Jeremy (who spent the night) into a wonder world of ice. The first to go was the Trampoline – the ice broke up and became a pseudo snow. […]