
Imported from Amy’s TestifyHim Xanga


This morning I went out to jog at the usual time: 6:00 am. I wear contacts during the day but this early in the morning I just wear my glasses. It was raining just a little when I started out, but not enough to dissuade me. It did however cause me to see something in […]


Dad started a discussion at breakfast yesterday morning about Sunday’s sermon. Due to the nature and delivery of the message, the discussion continued between my mom, Stacie, Lori and I long after dad left for work – a total of four and a half hours! So much for my good intentions about schoolwork. The topic […]


God provides in amazing ways. He provides in ways we are not looking for and at times we don’t expect. In His provision He also takes into account the things that bring us pleasure. I have a job. It’s just a little side thing that will earn Christmas money and pocket cash, but it is […]


Well I’m back in the land flowing with milk and honey – which mixed together makes ice cream, right? Life has been pretty good and Blue Bell has figured rather prominently, but I shouldn’t be surprised, it’s a way of life with the Jonesies. The first night home we were blessed with a large selection […]


I have been sending out a mass email of our adventures at Verity to a number of family and friends ever since we first started school there. Well, I did an email survey right before we left Flint asking how many people had prayed specifically for us while we were there at school. My mass […]

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